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Walking Policies – Living Institutions

Politics: The Policies of the Future are You and Me.

Words by Hannah George


The government of a nation is the representation of the systems behind the one man that governs the whole province. Be it the Prime Minister, President, King or Queen. They stand as an expression of the hearts, minds and faces of the people. They have a duty to live and lay their lives down for the emancipation of the citizens who are under the obligation of that country’s laws and policies. If the people are struggling, it is because the policy makers have made wrong decisions and they have not experienced true freedom. Freedom of opinions, freedom from the chains and cages previous generations created or were unable to break.

Although, before we can criticise and speak on the policies that are in place, what do our actions portray about how we view life, how we treat others, how we conduct ourselves in the affairs of business and what our attitude towards money is? Are we hypocrites requesting a higher demand from the government but little demand of change, growth and development of ourselves? No wonder it is hard to see change in the United Kingdom. Shattered mindsets and selfish souls for some and loving hearts and regenerated mindsets for others, but still – a lack of unity in the United Kingdom; a country that is supposed to be the template of a kingdom that is united. 

If your life was a policy that the citizens in this country had to abide by, how would the country operate? Would we show hate or love? Give or withhold? Help or hinder? Can you not see the impact that you have in the society? You are a walking policy and people would be submissive to your life and your order. People learn things from one another, the way we learn different things in institutions. If you were a walking institution that students had to learn from what would you be teaching? Respect or insolence? Diligence or carelessness?


The policies and institutions that are currently established were created and thought of by people. A group of decision makers influenced by their lives and their mindsets. Unfortunately, these systems are failing us. The demand for new generation leaders in 2020 is crucial but who we choose to allow us to lead is even more imperative.

We need leaders who are prepared to put others first before themselves. We need men and women who can be role models to everyone around them. Only free men can free men! We need leaders who speak life that frees and not enslaves the citizens. They should be able to identify the issues in the current systems and are able to interpret the cries and concerns in the community, not to just argue and compete with other political parties before taking on the responsibility to truly reconcile the men they meet every day in society. 

When will comparative political insecurity die out? Real leaders stand up and speak for the weaker and powerless communities in society as well as establish effective systems. The new generational leaders will be those who are willing to take the baton and make sacrifices that other leaders failed to do. They will be true mothers and fathers of the nation - non-judgemental peacemakers. This nation needs a new set of leaders who have been taught differently and we don’t in educational institutes.


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