Eryca Freemantle
Global Beauty Strategist & Founder of E.A.T.O.W
Described by Forbes magazine as “The woman to know for diverse beauty.” Eryca Freemantle is a Global Makeup Strategist on a mission. She aims to impact thousands of lives by tapping into their mental, emotional health and wellbeing to help them build confidence and resilience in business. With over 30 years experience and a former makeup artist Eryca has played a key role in influencing the makeup, health, and wellbeing arena to rethink their strategies on inclusion; her most notable campaign being the creation of ‘Embracing All Tones of Women’. E.A.T.O.W is the uk’s leading expert platform in diversity and inclusion across SME beauty and make up businesses. She has created the UK’s no 1 6-week program for SME beauty businesses specialising in makeup.
E.A.T.O.W’s world trade mission is to introduce 100 emerging entrepreneurs to a world of endless possibilities and global exposure.