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The Art of Make-up
Words Lina Mourey
Lina Mourey
Now for some, it might seem obvious what the art of makeup is. Although I am not talking about techniques, textures and placements of various products. I want to supply a guide on how to deal with comparison in the beauty industry and how to take it like a boss. It has become increasingly common to compare yourself to your peers, their careers and level of skills you are currently working hard on obtaining. Especially in the world of social media, where people are sharing their work and life at a second's notice for all of us to see. My sister once told me something that has always stuck with me, “Comparison is the root of all self destruction.” Which is a phrase I remind myself often. It is easier said than done of course, which is why I have designed this bulletproof guide when gearing up to post, scroll or stalk the occasional timeline.
Lina Mourey
First in order to not succumb to the comparison game, understand you are exactly where you’re meant to be. At every phase of my career building my freelance makeup clientele I accepted where I was and the lesson it was teaching me in order to bridge the gap to the next phase. All the hardships and challenges I faced to get where I am today was shaping me for this very moment, and there isn’t a turn I would change. If your journey seems harder than the person you are studying it's because just like an iceberg, you’re looking at 10%… 90% of their story is beneath the surface. Secondly, the beautiful thing about crafting your skills is there is always room for improvement. The hungrier you are to grow, learn and expand your artistry the more it will evolve and speak for itself. Everyone has a starting point. It does not matter if you have all the experience in the world, there will be many learning moments left for you to have. The third point to remember is social media is an energy exchange, if you’re using your internal battery to compare your work and journey to others you are left depleted. Instead utilize social media to your advantage, introduce yourself to artists you admire and pick their brains for areas that you’re struggling with. I could not tell you the amount of talented and kind people I have met through various platforms. Connecting with the right people not only builds a community of like minded individuals but allows you to network with artists you look up too.
Lastly, I want to talk about a concept that has truly changed my life and helps me during times of mental blocks when I am also in the cycle of comparison. That is the law of vibration, which states everything the universe carries seen and unseen is an energy that is in constant flow. In other words when I am applying makeup, learning techniques or immersing myself in a project it's imperative that I remain in a positive flow of feelings. To continuously remind myself my thoughts will manifest based on not only what I am projecting but focusing on as well. There is a lot of information about this concept and many other laws of the universe that are incredibly powerful. This is a practiced technique that I work on daily, so my vision aligns with my goals. This is a law you should apply to every area of your life.
The beauty industry can feel small and exclusive, I often hear the phrase “over saturated” which can be discouraging to many people. What I want you to remember is that there is enough opportunity for everyone; if something is meant for you, no one will ever be able to take it away. Never allow the voices of comparison drown out the reality of your worthiness as an artist and CEO of your life. The art of makeup is the ability to understand its power goes beyond the brush, it's the way you make up your world.