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Simra Khan


Entrepreneurship wasn't new to Simra Khan, the founder behind her handcrafted, premium leather brand, Vulture London. Her family's leather business, Khan Jackson, spanned generations, dating back to the seventies. Each Vulture London piece is a timeless investment, combining sustainability and quality for both men and women. Aiming to change reigning fast fashion practices, pieces were made according to demand, making available a complimentary tailoring service for each customer. 

Simra recalls always wanting to own her very own brand. Having studied business at all levels, she holds a Bachelors in business and accounting. She began working with her father, aged 16-years-old, picking up invaluable experience and expertise in the management of customers, learning how to source, create designs and about the various leather types. "My father [really] helped me. He trained me throughout the process and increased my knowledge."

At 22, she relocated to Dubai to explore the world further and expand her mind in other business areas. "It was a fantastic experience because I didn't interact with my family as much as I did before in terms of working. I was more independent, and it just really added to my experience because, in Dubai, you meet a lot of people from different backgrounds," she admits. "It was an amazing experience to sell leather in a desert," she laughs, having brought some of her stock along with her to Dubai. 

From Dubai, she moved to the United Kingdom and became a mother, pushing the inception of Vulture London to 2019 and thus also establishing the Khan Jackson studio within the UK. "Covid gave me a brand new vision and more ideas about how to run the brand." 

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WOTC: What are some of the critical things that you learnt and developed during that time? 

Simra: I learnt that you have to be flexible as a business owner. I learned many financial lessons and business lessons in terms of changing my approach and making it more sustainable. The more you know about demand, supply and solution, the more you realise that the pandemic was the best time to analyse how fashion can change in the demand and supply chain. 

WOTC: Who are some of the women that you looked up to or that have inspired you during your journey? 

Simra: I think we talk about many powerful men in the industry, but for me, my role model has always been Miss Duft. She is an amazing and inspirational woman I used to work with when I worked with my father. She's German, and she's really tough (laughs). She has a vision, and she follows it. She worked on several brands and successfully so. 

WOTC: What are the plans for the remaining months of 2021?

Simra: I'd say I don't have any plans. I would like to carry on doing what I'm doing and do it better. I look forward to improving myself as a person.. for myself, my friends, family, and the community. I think that is my goal. I want to work on improving rather than looking back. So I don't have a solid plan because I don't think solid plans work.

WOTC: That's true. And what advice would you give to a new business owner or a woman looking to enter into entrepreneurship?

Simra: Research is the key! Keep on researching and keep on learning. Keep challenging your ideas and follow your gut instincts. You have to be resilient and take risks, but at the same time take calculated risks rather than impulsive risks. If you don't have anyone to guide you, make sure you do a lot of research. 

WOTC: How many risks would you say you take, and how much of a risk-taker are you? 

Simra: Every day brings a new thing that you have to take a risk with. You have to make so many decisions, and you can't always get everything right. If you don't get it right, you don't have to feel bad about it because you are doing your best. As long as you know you're doing your best, you have to keep going and learning from things. 

WOTC: And what would you say to the 21-year-old you?

Simra: That's an excellent question, actually (laughs). Oh, my gosh. I would tell myself to follow my gut instincts rather than what people ask me to do. If I was as strong as I am now, in terms of what I believe in and what I want to do, I think I would have made some better decisions. However, I don't regret what I've been through because it's my journey, my experience, and it has made me who I am today.

Shop the Vulture London lux leather collections at 


Vulture London
