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Sarah Owusu is redefining art with her own unique style. She is a self-taught Ghanaian British artist and painter, telling the story of history, primarily black history through bright, abstract portraits. She turned around a dark moment in her life, when she was diagnosed with Bell’s Palsy at 22, she picked up the paintbrush to express herself, it was then she noticed a lack of black female artists in the industry. Sarah Owusu’s style, which she coined Owusuism, is an expression of her roots, defining Africa’s rich culture and heritage.
To my younger self,
I know you have many dreams but don’t quite know how you’re going to do it yet. However, understand that everything for your life has already been written by God who is the Author and Finisher of our lives. Also, in order for God to help us in life, we must first believe not only in Him but in ourselves too. If you do not believe in yourself who will?!
Work hard but remember to enjoy your youth too because I’m telling you, time is going to fly!
Forgive those who have hurt you and do not allow your past to define who you are. Never ever shrink yourself to make other people feel comfortable. Always be yourself and be who God has called you to be and if that makes some people uncomfortable, so be it!
Love yourself for the way you look because although you may be feeling insecure about it now, in the future, you’ll be praised for the very attributes that you were mocked for having naturally. Never ever forget that true beauty comes from within and that you have been beautifully and wonderfully made by the King of Kings.
Look after your health and do not eat too many sweets, they’re terrible for your teeth!
Do not be concerned with the opinions of others and follow the career path that you desire and your purpose NOT the path society or your parents want for you, but that which will make you happy!
You’re going to go through some things, but they will only make you stronger and help you to become the woman you will be in the future so take the lessons out of them and always remember how strong willed and determined you are.
Choose your friends very wisely for the friendship and the company you keep will determine where you’re positioned in life.
Love everyone but do not be quick to trust people so quickly unless they earn it through their actions because some friends will fail you and those you call your best friends today may not be your best friends in tomorrow.
You may not understand where you are now and how things are, but this will all be a part of your testimony one day so be bold, take courage and give thanks to God always even when you’re down because He has a big plan for your life. His plans are to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. It will all make sense one day and you will look back and just smile.
Finally, remember that everything truly happens for a reason even though we may not understand what those reasons could be in the moment.
Love from my older self x