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The Journey is Real

Words Lina Mourey


The first time I walked into a makeup store it was like that slow motion scene in movies where everything gets a little hazy and that warm fluttery feeling takes over.

I was 16 when my dad bought me my first eye shadow from my favorite makeup brand and I marveled at all the girls with their crisp wing liners and blown out shadows. They were untouchable in my eyes. I knew I had to apply, fast forward working for them for almost eight years I began feeling antsy for more. I branched out to freelance, I worked on anyone and did any job collaborating to build my portfolio. My passion for making women beautiful while having the freedom to create my schedule fueled my fire by the day. It was challenging, some days were 18 hours long and exhausting but I never felt more alive.

During my last year freelancing in Las Vegas where I was born and raised I found myself experiencing that same antsy feeling, I craved for more. I began studying the law of attraction creating my own journey of manifestation I decided while working tirelessly, my dream of moving to Los Angeles was going to happen. I told everyone I was moving there, accepted any job in LA, pushed away my fears of failure and took a leap of faith. Soon after moving there I hit a wall I wasn’t landing any jobs I wanted, my hope was running dry and that distant whisper of “go home” kept coming


to the surface. I even contemplated quitting doing make up to go to culinary school (my second love), while thinking how could I be so crazy to think I could pull this off? Then I turned to my faith for strength, I dug deeper than I ever have, realized I needed to reassess my goals and with the support of my family found hope again.

I firmly believe if you rewire your brain to accept that everything is working in your favor, doors will open beyond your imagination. I landed a huge opportunity to do e-com for a big clothing company and it showed me a different world. From that moment I recharged, rewrote my goal and read it every single day multiple times a day to keep my vision alive. I received many opportunities to work for more e-comm businesses, insanely talented photographers, glammed celebrities and traveled all over the world to be a part of the most special day of someone's life. It has been the best adventure of my life these past two years in Los Angeles.

“Many people see glimpses of your journey and think it's a simple A to Z road, but the truth is it's more twists and turns than you can imagine.”


So much of what my life has become is because of my mindset, breaking my limiting beliefs and replanting seeds of growth each day. It’s about having an insatiable appetite to create with like minded individuals and paint the faces of people all around the world. I still have those moments of self doubt but I remind myself and hope to remind all those around me we didn’t come this far to only come this far.



