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Health and safety measures you should consider before buying a property
Words Aisha Kamara
The housing market is indeed rising and many homebuyers are frantically searching for their dream home, however they tend to sometimes forget the most important part. It is common for homebuyers to relax their standards due to the urgency of buying a new home and often neglect the safety measures within a property. The health and safety precautions are performed by a simple inspection before or after a person purchases their home and this will indeed aid to prevent health concerns.
There are some common hazards that are identified during an inspection. Asbestos is a mineral fibre that can be found in building materials, usually in roof shingles, siding or duct insulation. When these building materials become in poor condition it can be dangerous as it can become easier to inhale and a high disclosure to Asbestos every day can cause serious health issues such as chronic lung conditions or Mesothelioma.
Mold is another common issue that can be found in a property and is usually found in humid or damp areas and can also be found in cold or dry settings. Mold is known to be a type of fungus that consists of tiny organisms and can turn into mold spores which can be nontoxic. However, when they are in the damp areas. For example, it can grow, and mold spores can be released into the air which then can be easily inhaled. Inhaling a high level of mold can be dangerous and it can form a few health complications such as asthma, respiratory issues, and allergic reactions.
Drainage is another type of health and safety issue that should be looked at as it is a common issue that can be easily sorted when identified early. There are a few signs to look at in a property that can inform you of the risk of poor drainage such as water stains around walls. Poor drainage can be dangerous within a property as it can lead to flooding which can cause a lot of damage. It is important that when buying a home, you look at the minor details of the house as it will avoid you spending a lot of time and money fixing damaged properties.
Although most inspections include looking at electrical systems, it is still important to have a lookout for any unsafe electrical issues in a property. For instance, having defective or old wiring can lead to electric shocks or sparks that in the worst-case scenario cause a fire. So it is extremely important to check out light appliances and inspect the outlet as it will aid you to make a better decision when purchasing a home.
Last but not least, it is important to check out the foundation and structure of the home. Many homebuyers tend to spend a lot of money fixing unfinished work. Ensure that you check out for small and large cracks or structural issues as it can reduce the risk of allowing moisture, pests, or radon into your home which can be a risk to a person's health. Looking out for health and safety issues within a home can seem difficult and draining; however, hiring someone who has a good understanding and experience can help you buy your safe and perfect home!