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The truth about the 100-hour work week

Words Ebun Lufadeju

There are so many pressures associated with becoming successful. Is success linked to the number of hours worked each week and another note, does working long hours lead to burnout?

Getting to work before everyone else and being the last one to leave is normal for many these days. Working from home can be redefined as working 24/7. No difference separates a weekend from a workday.

CEOs seem to be very happy and full of energy. So how have they managed to do this? Is it something we should all adopt?

The truth about stimulants

We would be foolish to think that everyone can work long, high pressured hours without any form of stimulation, from coffee to cocaine. The human body would eventually burn out without that extra kick – the good news is that a healthy lifestyle can leave you with lots of energy.

A CEO is probably the last person you think would have a drug addiction, but some studies do suggest that 10% of top executives are drug- or alcohol-impaired. Henry T. Nicholas III, who founded Broadcom, developed an alcohol and drug problem. He admitted to alternating between meth and cocaine while negotiating a Broadcom acquisition.

However, not all will need stimulants, it could just be down to genetics… Mark Zuckerberg has famously stated that he does not drink coffee, Elon Musk drinks two cups of coffee a day and Richard Branson only drinks tea!

It might be worth taking a note from their books. Our brains are made up of about 70% water. Replacing that first cup of coffee with water can have a major impact on improving productivity. Try it and see how it goes – not only would your brain thank you, but your bank account would too!

Food for thought

There is an enzyme known as AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), which is responsible for cellular energy homeostasis, largely to activate glucose and fatty acid uptake and oxidation when cellular energy is low. This means that it helps with weight loss, improves energy, improves cardiovascular health and can even reverse diabetes!

High inflammatory diets such as fast foods, sugary drinks and excessive amounts of carbohydrates and processed foods can inhibit AMPK. Foods that are high in fibre, fish and vegetables can help to activate AMPK. We cannot forget exercise; high-intensity workouts also activate AMPK. Most CEOs manage to find time to fit in workouts with a busy schedule because the benefit of productivity is proven.

Busy vs Productive

It’s great to have a to-do list but why not take it a step further and master prioritisation. When there are too many decisions to be made, we can often feel overwhelmed, stressed, anxious and out of place. This is commonly known as decision fatigue, which can negatively affect our mental health and impair our ability to make wise decisions. CEOs are paid for their ability to think and handle pressure. De-cluttering physical and mental space is a key for healthy decision making.

To sleep or not to sleep

A 100-work week means that 60% of the week is spent working and that leaves the remaining 40% left for sleep and pleasure. It is important to have a work and life balance. You must find enough time to take a break from work. Eight hours of sleep has always been the global average, however, by 2014 no country was achieving the standard. Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos speak about the importance of sleep

Rest does not always mean sleep; the mind also needs mental breaks throughout the day. If you do not rest it can harm your performance and business. Rest breaks can seem like a waste of time. However, regular breaks have been shown to increase productivity and creativity, as well as improve the overall health and well-being of individuals.

The take-away message

Working a 100-hour week for a company you hate, can eventually lead to depression and you must ask the question, is it worth it? Not everything you see is how it seems. For someone to earn that CEO title, it comes with a price. It might sound cliché, but the key is doing what you love so much that it doesn’t feel like work.

Do your best to be productive in the little things, start small… exercise, eat healthily, get enough sleep and de-clutter your mental and physical space.


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