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How to fit into the dress and stay there 

Words Bevery Pokuah

It’s no surprise that the bride can often feel an enormous amount of pressure to look good in front of all their guests. Not only is there the worry of fitting into the dress, but also the endless amount of pictures and videos that will be taken over the course of the day. This isn’t the typical ‘how to’ guide. Let's talk about how to fit into the dress and stay there.


Health preparations for the big day start way ahead of the actual day on average a person starts planning for the big day at least a year in advance enough time to commence an exciting fitness regime and adopting a lifestyle and pickup healthy habits

There’s  no ‘one size fits all’ approach everyone’s way of achieving a specific goal leading up to the significant day varies depending on what needs to be worked on whether it be toning or weight loss find what works for you before setting on a trial and error journey. 

It’s easy to quickly want to find something quick which will yield result ASAP but unfortunately patience and consistency is key crash dieting is totally unnecessary it has no benefit to your overall health instead evaluate what your eating and how often your eating check what can be cut back and what alternatives would be better remember restricting calories can be harmful for your body but can leave you low in energy and miserable, to help track keep a food diary or alternatively check with a dietician or nutritionist. Without adequate preparation you’ve prepared to fail which will lead to looking for last minute miracles. 


Gym membership 

There is a lot of little lifestyle changes and exercises  you can do alongside planning a busy wedding planning schedule. Look into a few options such personal trainers many gyms offer free taster session with qualified PT’s try it out and whether it works for you, looking into gym memberships alternatives such as Hussle a platform where you can find and use gyms in your area and pay a subsidised fee without the commitment and cheaper then the gyms offering , don’t worry if it’s your first time walking into a gym let alone actually working out with all the equipment, gyms offer inductions for new members and depending on the gym type there is always gym staff available on gym floor to assist where needed.

Take up a Sport 

If the gym is too daunting or boring why not take up a sport that either be tennis, aerobics or swimming, it's a great form of cardio and due to the resistance of the water an ultimate full body burner. There are many team sports you can get involved in do some research check out local newsletters and local leisure centres, plus it’s a great way of getting to know new people you can even bring your bridesmaids along and get fit together. 

Home workouts 

Working out from home is also a great option you can subscribe to different fitness platforms that cater to different types of exercises such as High-Intensity Training (also known has HIIT) which consists of short bursts of intense exercises with small rest which could benefit you more then a long winded gym session you can as much calories in 20 mins of HIIT it includes movement that involves your bodyweight.

Above all, have fun and don’t beat yourself up if it takes a while to get results you want, getting fit takes time but stick with it and you will feel amazing whatever your decision or avenue make it a long term one, remember to wear the dress don’t let the dress wear including societal pressures and expectations don’t compare yourself to anybody no matter how perfect they looked in there dress define your own perfect be your own body goals.


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