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The Corner with Beverley Martins
I’ve been given the task of stirring the question of whether or not parents inspire us as brides and wives. I don’t know how I’m going to do that but I guess we will both figure it out once I’m done, so get your popcorn and wine ready. Do our parents inspire us as/to be a bride or a wife? How am I supposed to know, I'm only 20, and half way through exam season. At the moment the only inspiration I am currently looking for is the one that types up the 4 essays I got.
Let's change it up a little. Do my parents inspire me in general? I would quickly say yes, but when I take it into deep thought, I don't think so. I mean they have had a great impact, but when it comes to inspiration, I believe that word is so temperamental that my parents cant take all the credit for it. If you get what I mean?
Let's use the elephant in the room as an example. Do my parents inspire me to be a bride? Yes. My parents, Tony and Stella had a very beautiful wedding. I love seeing my mother's princess dress and the way the smile on her face lit up the entire room, her beauty took control of everyone's eyes as they stared in admiration. In all the wedding pictures and videos everyone was so lively and having the time of their lives. I wish I was there to experience those beautiful moments, honestly it was great. My Dad always says that was the best day of his life because he not only married the woman of his dreams but it also gave him amazing children, [I think otherwise, personally, I wouldn’t call us amazing because my brothers loved to fight, my sisters were night walkers. Sorry sis, but it’s true. Although, to be honest I was perfect. Moving on.]
However, contrary to being a bride they don't inspire me to be a wife, long story short, they had a great wedding but now they are divorced. But I give great credit to my sisters, oh they inspire the hell out of me, powerful women doing amazing things in their various fields and happily married. I'm not just saying that because it looks good but I've seen their happy marriage with my own eyes and I want it. They inspire me to want nothing but the best, to love deep, to build a peaceful home, filled with laughter and joy, to feel safe and protected, to want success and I want a lot of money too (why would I get married to share dessert that ain’t romantic that is poverty). They didn't just inspire me, they showed me that this is possible; I choose to make it possible, I choose better.
Talking about success and money. Do my parents inspire me to be successful and rich. No, that doesn't mean they don't want the best for me. They 100% do, but they themself have not pushed themselves to that level to inspire me. Yes, they worked extremely hard to give me and my siblings the best life which I am so grateful for. But they did their job, now it's up to us to go all the way and thrive. I wasn't born with that philosophy though, I was inspired by my mentors, they expanded my mind by showing infinite possibilities. That no matter my circumstance I have every right to be great if I decide to be.
What about what I am doing now at this very moment, writing this entry. Did my parents inspire that? No. Did my teachers? No. I did. I got terrible grades in english and my teachers would alway say that I would not make it if I didn't do well in school. Which I didn't. Unfortunately, my parents never sat to teach me, my dad was always away working. So instead of being a kid studying and figuring out what square roots were, I was out in the town shaking my leg where I should not be shaking my legs. But one day I started to write my thoughts and everything bottled up inside, soon discovering that I am a writer and I can reach people with this gift. I can reach you with this gift.
Now, my intention is not to discredit all that my parents have impacted me with. Because my mum taught me how to take people in, she taught me how to always be a giver. And my dad taught me to never give up, to always keep going. My intention is to show you that no matter where you are right now keep going even if you are not inspired by what is in front of you, keep going. Inspiration will meet you, it will catch your eye. It just takes one moment, one encounter, or one person.