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Breast Cancer Awareness

Words Lily Hall



Breast cancer affects around 1-in-8 women and catching it early is essential in increasing the chances of survival. According to the World Health Organisation, around 2.3 million women were diagnosed with breast cancer in 2020.

The lack of awareness means that the common early signs of breast cancer can sometimes be missed. Because of this, we have put together a necessary guide for you to check your breasts, so you know the unusual signs you should be looking for. 


  1. Stand in front of your mirror and have a good look. You are looking for changes in your skin, for example, dimpling or puckering and possibly a rash. You can also look for visible lumps or changes in the shape of your breasts.

  2. Next, check your nipples! One nipple might be inverted or pointing in a slightly different direction. These can be early signs of breast cancer.

  3. Finally, have a feel. Feel all areas of the breast including going up into the armpit. You are feeling for any lumps or inconsistences in texture.

Remember any concerns you have, no matter how small, always speak to your GP. They will be happy to listen to your concerns and help you out. 



Listen as our Senior Health Editor and dermatologist Dr Emma, speaks on how to conduct a self-examination at home.


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