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The Art Form of Jewellery

Words Sabine Roemer 

Credit: Sabine Roemer
Credit: Sabine Roemer

I fell in love with my vocation aged fifteen and knew from the first day that I wanted to create; jewellery, sculptures, basically everything metal related. I truly found my peace in the workshop filing, hammering, moulding and crafting away surrounded by fine materials and gemstones. I just loved every aspect of its gemmology; the chemics, physics and mathematics of the job. The creativity of shaping metals.. forming it into something long lasting, telling a story – I just knew I was born to do this, and I wanted to do this for the rest of my life.

Even if the reality looks very different today, I have spent many years training, practising and learning all aspects of turning my passion into a job, including getting my Masters degree in my craft. Running a business and starting ATELIER ROMY, I had to again learn a whole new set of skills. I had to dive into online retail, digitalising and creating a direct-to-consumer-brand, which uses social media as their platform. I grew a virtual platform and worked to understand the new way of retail. So, creating art and creating a brand has very different skill sets and approaches, which both can be very exciting. I probably would say you are a born artist but can learn and improve your skills in how to run a business.

I do understand not everyone has the early understanding on what you would like to do and where this road leads you, but there are so many jobs in the industry to be surrounded by what you love it doesn’t necessarily mean you need to craft, design or run a company every day.

Even though it is hard to plan and shape your career at that young age, I guess there are certain things I subcutaneously did and aimed for but this is what I learned on my way but don’t forget they are “many ways that lead to Rome”.

  1. If you love the craft and being in the workshop and creating. Go and seek a good placement where you can start an apprenticeship. Learn and spend every minute soaking up everything you can learn everywhere and from everyone. Invest in tools and extra courses and you might find yourself in one of the big jewellery houses and creating the crème de la crème Haute Joaillerie many hours later. For me, again it was learning the trade. Every single free moment was spent at the bench perfecting and learning. I invested every penny I earned into new tools, workshops and emerging myself into the craft and beyond.

  2. Creativity: you might find your talent in creating new ideas, sketching away and being more behind the scenes developing ideas and feeding them back into the workshop. Jewellery might be your choice but try to find out which area you love most. I always recommend learning the basics on how to make jewellery to understand the design process – even if it’s not your natural skill. Find your strength - for some it is design, for some it is craft, for some it is the business side or even photography. Try to see what comes “easy” as it normally indicates a tendency for a talent and there is more pleasure in doing more hours on something you love and enjoy.

  3. Learn your weaknesses and try to find help in those areas. To grow above a certain size, you won’t be able to do this alone anymore. Dive into the subject you need help in, so you can understand better who could fill that gap and help you to grow beyond that stage.

  4. Meet and greet and your surroundings, competitors and your field. Get to know your trade and that they will know you. Don’t be afraid to ask for help or guidance when you are stuck.

  5. Integrity – this industry is too small to not be kind, thoughtful or to fight the wrong fights. Stay honest and truthfully! Be true to yourself and stay authentic. I do believe when something comes from the heart and is genuine, the rest will fall into place.

  6. Stay humble as you will never stop learning. Stay curious and listen to the younger and older generation. There is something new to learn everyday if you keep your mind fresh and engaged.

  7. Collect your thoughts and set goals (even if they change along the way!). I found myself getting lost at times on what I actually wanted in life or wanted to achieve in life. To stop – thinking, collecting my thoughts and visualising them helped me to get back on my path, even if it was a new one. (If you change directions, it’s ok). I always say there is room for anyone – so find your own lane and shine.


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