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Tonia Galati
Tonia Galati is the powerful force behind her eponymous consulting company TG Consulting, which looks to reshape the sphere of higher education by connecting the right educators and employers to students.
Photographer: Lewis Darling
When Tonia landed a position working in Higher Education supporting young people from underrepresented backgrounds in the area of employment, she knew she had found her calling. Prior, she had spent many years not knowing what she wanted to do, landing numerous roles that only left her feeling unfulfilled and often as though she didn’t belong. Though she loved her position, a manifestation of many issues built up over the years eventually saw Tonia end up spending 4 months off from work with clinical depression, stress and anxiety.” Coming out, she knew she couldn’t continue and chose to prioritise her health and well-being.
Upon leaving her role in Higher Education, she was encouraged by friends and family to start her own business but had concluded she wasn’t a risk taker and at that point, she didn’t believe in herself much. She later went on to take up a full-time position one of her clients had offered her. “Literally, on day one of that full-time job, I just thought, ‘I’ve made a mistake.’” By February 2020, after doing her due diligence, she had finally taken the plunge and set up her own business. Shortly after launching, covid hit.
When asked by WOTC whether there was anything she would have done differently, she responded “I wish I had done it sooner. But then at the same time.. I could have, but I wouldn't know half as much as I do know now and that has helped me build the business. I think everything happens for a reason and it's just another thing that I can support young people with, because there are so many of them that struggle with mental health challenges and not feeling like they belong.” For Tonia, once you’ve been through and have overcome your own personal obstacles or issues, it’s much easier to relate with people who need the support.
Tonia believes that whilst the pandemic has caused some change to the education sector, they were changes that were needed years ago. “I think the pandemic has put it into overdrive and has made people look at education differently, but I think we’re still so far behind.” The sector still lacked many necessary opportunities that were needed for young people. Following the Black Lives Matter movement, she found that a number of organisations and institutions had begun to hold ‘black history days’, which for Tonia almost appeared as if they were simply trying to tick a box. Having worked with a number of students who were from minority ethnic groups, helping them to build their confidence and locate role models, she comments: “It’s not a day. It’s 24/7. No one should feel like they don’t belong.”
She strongly believes that it is difficult to bridge the gaps within the education sector, when those leading are largely from privileged backgrounds and have never had to face any significant challenges. “Unless they really understand the challenges young people have gone through, how can they support and make decisions that benefit those students who face disadvantages?”
Over the last year, TG Consulting has taken on over 50 young people for paid internships, 11 who work for the company as consultants and have recruited their 8th person on the Kickstart Scheme. Although Tonia leads the team, she understands the importance of the student voice and the young people she works in collaboration with are responsible for a number of the initiatives and programmes the business runs.
Having always had a passion for working with young people, she believes there is so much young talent who are constantly overlooked. With employers still focusing largely on academia, Tonia is willing to give chances where she sees potential. “A significant number of those that work for me have never, ever had a part-time job because no one would give them a chance.” Tonia advises employers to be a lot more open to giving opportunities and chances to young people who don’t necessarily have the relevant experience or qualifications they are looking for. “You have to invest the time in providing development structure, training and induction. Have the patience to get your young people to where they need to be and they’ll be amazing.”
Tonia is currently focused on increasing TG Consulting’s client base and working with her team to bring some really exciting activity to market. The team are also keen to build on the success of their first book 'You Are A Limited Edition', (a collection of inspiring and empowering stories), with some really cool projects in the pipeline. The consultancy has also launched a 7-week virtual programme for young people from underrepresented backgrounds to build confidence, aspirations and help to break down the barriers to employment.