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12 Gains of Christmas
Words Deb Dominic
Navigating through December and the close of another year, we reflect on what we have learnt, on realisations, on lessons acquired & connections made.
As we move to toward a fresh new year, we take stock of those things we wish to grow & keep moving forward with, and we prepare to cast of those things that no longer serve us or nourish us. As always we can apply this to the general rule of life itself, but as always we are going to apply these life rules to matters of the crowning glory, which, let’s face it is our absolute favourite thing in our world!
We could recommend a tonne of products & a huge list to run out & buy but we want better than that for you. We want to truly build the strongest foundation for your hair that starts at the very beginning, before you even think about clicking “add to cart.” So what will we Marie Kondo in our attitude cabinet as we move towards 2022 & what will we install? We made a 12 things to gift yourself (in the theme of festivities) that we believe adding to your plans & intentions for the year ahead will have your locks & life thanking you for:
Time: Give yourself time each day to enjoy your regime. Just like you would your skin care routine. Set your alarm 10 mins early & brush your mane gently not rake it violently. Have you noticed how the best hair is always the best hair (as if tying it up to bathe), yet when you rush you can’t even nail a pony. Have a tea whilst doing it & start your day right.
Schedule: Just like planning for the new year: plan your hair schedule. 1: wash day 2: wave day 3: up day 4: sleek day haha! Just like we do with our children & our businesses, before we go to sleep at night have the next day laid out & planned. You will definitely arrive to wherever you are going with your life in order!
Knowledge: find out exactly what your hair type/pattern is & discover what it does & why. If you’re not sure, find a professional to help. A consultation to assess your hair needs & type can revolutionise your regimes. Just like the majority of us walk around wearing the wrong bra size, a huge amount of us do the same with our processes & regimes. Do your homework, know what you’re working with & you are fully prepared on how to move forward.
Declutter: get those cupboards clear of all those things that don’t serve you or your hair. We’ve all bought things because our friends use them but they don’t work for us. We’ve all fallen victim to the 3for2 & bought the wrong thing. We’ve even bought things we knew were bad for us when needs must. But there’s no need to hang onto them. Clear out those cupboards. Products generally have a 12month shelf life, so before they go off & need to go in the bin, bag them up & give away (not as a gift obvs, just as a donation to someone who may like). Clear out your cupboards & your minds & make way for new good things!
Buy right: make considered purchases. You’ve given yourself time, you’ve found out what your hair needs are & you’ve cleared out your beauty cupboard. From now on it’s tailor made solutions. You need one good product for each stage of the hair processes. The right product will ensure that. If you’re having to use 4 products to achieve an effect, you’re using the wrong products. Buy right & reduce waste & time spent.
Gently does it: be kind to your hair & as we have said many a time, invest in some silk/satin for your hair. A silk scrunchie will reduce tension & tangling & is perfect for day wear & to sleep in. Put it on your Xmas list or drop some hints around the office for the secret Santa haha! An inexpensive but highly effective game changer.
Cut out the negativity: some cultures believe that cutting your hair on New Year’s Day cuts out your chance of wealth & as such, you should have your hair cut before the new year to start as you mean to go on. We love that sentiment, but whilst you choose to believe the superstition, getting your ends in order is always a good idea. Again find the stylist of your dreams & if you think it’s an indulgence, get it on the Xmas list! It’ll save anymore unwanted gifts & start the year right! Also, trimming your hair will promote good hair health & reduce the chance of breakage, so if you’re lathed to lose length, ignoring it will result in more natural shedding that mini trims every 8 -12 weeks (or whatever your stylist suggests).
Bravery: be bold in your styling. Go for it. Be brave in 2022, embrace a slick pony & mega earrings, wear your curls natural & tye with a coloured scarf, add pieces, wallop that statement clip in. How many times do we go up to those woman that make brave style moves to congratulate them. And it’s so much fun too. Go on, we dare you!
Tools of the trade: keep your tools in tip top condition: clean the filters in your dryers (yes that is a thing. You find it at the back of a dryer. Please do this with the dryer unplugged & use dry nail brush to rub over the surface then blow away). Keep the plates of your irons clean & wash your brushes (just like make up brushes) regularly. If tools are tired they are probably not doing you any favours, so be sure to replace rather than risk. Again buy well, invest in decent electricals & kit that will stand you in good stead.
Teach them well: be sure to let your good deeds apply to your offspring & younger counterparts too. We have a level of responsibility to teach good hair deeds from the word go. Tell a child they have “unruly” hair & they will go through life trying to tame it. Celebrate natural attributes, apply all the above rules & especially take time to make the whole experience pleasurable. Hair is a gift not a burden. We must appreciate her & she will love us right back. Good products & routines from young is a must too. Not sure how to deal with your child’s hair, that’s fine, we appreciate that the whole world are not born qualified stylists, but there is a tonne of us out there ready to help if you need. All you got to do is ask .
Hydrate: the addition of water inside & out of your body will increase your hydration. I’m not saying that skin absorbs water, but hair does, and the addition of such can reactivate curls & increase manageability. The water we consume feeds us from the inside, so make sure you factor in the intake. Need a tangible item for this: treat yourself to a nice water bottle & a spray for your dressing table. Funny how nice additions/items improve the intentions.
Gift: gift hairlove to others. Celebrate their beauty & be (gently) honest with advice. If you’ve a friend that could do with some help, get them a consultation booked with a relevent stylist. Speak to your stylist when you’re in service & spread that advice/hairlove to your loved ones. A huge percentage of our clients over the years have been recommended by their friends & have literally transformed not only their attitudes but also their entire look. It is a gift that lasts a lifetime!
So what are we going to do as we move forward? Seems a lot to absorb? Pick 3 at a time. Write them down, stick them on your mirror/workspace & when the time is right let them into your conscious. Build them in to your plans, start plotting hair greatness & the hair greatness of those around you. Blimey, anyone would think we are trying to start a movement.