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The Evolution of Boarding School: The New Houses
Words Hannah George
With the world constantly developing, there has to be a shift in the world of education. Boarding school is the best place to learn and grow up as a child because it provides you with endless opportunities. But the question is, can existing boarding schools keep up with the rapid changes? It would be of no surprise to find new emerging leaders that will head the new boarding school, but I believe they will also start as students attending houses that specialise in a particular industry such as the House of Medics.
Smaller Class sizes
Smaller class sizes have a huge impact on the student success, and speed of learning because the teachers are able to interact with the students more closely and this will also enable them to be attentive to each student’s needs. Not to mention students will also be able to feel more confident and comfortable expressing their opinions as well as answering questions in their lessons.
2. Personal Growth
Living and studying away from home provides unmatchable experiences and opportunities that will trigger tremendous chances to grow as a leader for themselves and for others around them. Students will be exposed to different cultures and attitudes yet be in a position to develop key life skills such as communication, hospitality, discipline, personal finance, time and management to name a few. This level of independence and intensity of personal growth is accelerated when living or regularly attending in a house or learning institution.
3. A learning conducive environment
Studying and living in a house learning institution you will face schooling issues as you will have all the necessary resources provided for you to flourish and to learn without facing many complex and testing issues. It is also great because you can grow and become your own person without any cultural or family restraints and ideologies.
4. Social maturity
Learning and living among a diverse group of students can lead to many complex situations. This includes having disagreements, yet these complex scenarios will increase the student’s capacity and help with their character building. It will teach them about different worldviews and help them to be more tolerant and understanding. Students will easily learn key life lessons about relationship building and problem solving. As a result they will be more equipped to face larger global issues when it is time to work with others. They will be great world leaders ready to embrace the world full of problems and contrasting viewpoints.
5. Advanced co-curricular activities and exposure
It is also important to mention that they will be exposed to better extracurricular activities and clubs, but that would also make them more responsible as they will need to ensure their time management is effective and schedules are well balanced. Exposure is extremely important to expand student minds to create and be more innovative. Living in a house that provides them with more exposure will make those students more socially aware of their environment and more inclined to know more about their niche interest.
6. Stronger communities
Being a part of the ‘new boarding schools’ will create and build stronger communities because they will be industry and craft based, and they will be able to gather with those who are like-minded. Residential living also encourages students to pursue their hobbies and connect with those who have their same passions.