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The Miseducation of the New Generation

Words by Krystle Sarkodie

When they asked you what you wanted to be when you were older, I’m sure many things rushed through your mind; a doctor, a Zoologist, a Singer maybe a footballer never an Estate Agent, Property Manager, or Quantity Surveyor. Careers in property are rarely discussed, they are almost hidden and treated like 2nd rate jobs yet the property and estate management industry put roofs over billions of people's heads in the UK and abroad.

The curriculum for key stage 2/3 students includes subjects such as English, Maths, Science and (PE) Physical Education there are no subjects taught on investments, finances, or the property market, so many of our teens go into higher education with no real financial education or understanding of where to invest their monies too. My financial education began when I started my career in property management, before that I had no understanding of the property world and how to enter it.

Many of our young people lack this education because of the homes and areas they have been raised in; for me growing up in a 3 bedroom council flat I never really saw a light at the end of the tunnel rather I just had dreams of one day owning a property but never really understanding how to get there. I started my property journey at University, it was there I took time to learn about how the housing market worked and how to work my way up the ladder. It was interesting to me that there was soo much opportunity from a young age but I had never been exposed to it or ever taught how to take a step into that world.

In my 10 year span in property I've seen even grown adults lacking knowledge in purchasing property, many of my clients needed to be taught the different products in property such as Shared Ownership, Right to Buy, Right to Acquire, etc; they had no idea what was available for the money they had saved up for a 'rainy day'. There needs to be more done to expand the minds of this generation on the property world; with social media and the internet booming, now is the perfect time for young people to get involved in property and see what is available for them. From investment to starting a career there are so many options and various employer-funded programs in which they can be involved. 

Here are my 3 top tips for anyone who wants to get into real estate and build a career:

  1. Get yourself into an entry-level role this may be customer services for a Housing Association or Estates agents or being an administrator for a Property management company or construction company.

  2. Keep yourself fully updated on all things property, reading articles, watching property-related programmes; getting up to speed on property legislation. 

  3.  Once you have got your foot on the ladder, speak with your manager about joining ARMA and IRPM these are the two leading regulatory bodies in Property management and they keep all their members up to date on all the changes in regulation in the property world. You can also join independently if you rather not going via your employer.


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