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The New World of Education

Words Hannah George

Everyone is a product of what they are taught. Life is formed by the information that we receive. The only issue is that we are not allowed to choose our teachers. Society became our teachers. Sometimes we find ourselves in educational institutes and ask ourselves, why are we here? The new world is not looking for certificates or degrees from universities anymore, it's looking for people who can provide real life solutions. The world needs resolved and committed problem solvers!

Are we now going to scrap the whole education system? No, that would not be realistic. For countries that are trying to catch up, they have a better chance of experiencing and benefiting from the changes that evidently need to be made but first of all let us tackle the topic of teachers.

A teacher must teach the ‘why’. Students may often ask why they should learn a certain subject for example, why must they learn mathematics? Students can be given all the tools, but what matters the most is why, why is it a tool, what can it be applied to? If students understand why mathematics is important and are provided with real life inspiring and practical examples it will change their mindset towards that subject. However, the next concern is how students learn. The era of reciting information from a textbook is extinct, it's not effective. Many students are not able to remember what they have learnt a few minutes after they have submitted their exams. Schools should adapt the project based learning approach which permits students to utilize and develop various skills with the end goal of fulfilling their project brief. Through this approach the students and teachers will be able to identify the students interests and preferred way of learning. All in all they need to be taught about the problems to be able to apply the tools.

Teachers have a great impact on the students liking or disliking towards a subject. Every student had a favourite teacher, and it is of no surprise that they performed better in that class. Students often rebel because they are not inspired by their teachers, they do not want to be like them when they grow up. If you had a millionaire teaching you finance, economics or business, they would be more inclined to listen in that lesson. Teachers who actively practice what they preach will have results and documented exploits that they use to amplify the doctrine and teachings they provide to their students. Similarly to mentors, you share the fate of your teacher. If your teacher is successful in their chosen field you have that assurance that you too can also achieve what they have and more.

What is equally imperative to highlight is to remove limitations from all the minds of students. As a child you don't know impossibilities, rather it is something that is taught by those closest to them or their external environment. It is the responsibility of teachers and parent leaders to teach their students a new life, and expose them to limitless opportunities.

The new curriculum needs to teach entrepreneurship, possibilities, values, dreams, communication and community building. This will enable students to provide the best solutions to the problems that we face in society. The world needs innovative minds because the future is not a time but a person and we need these people to be equipped with the necessary knowledge.


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