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5 Questions to Ask
Yourself During
Wardrobe Decluttering
Words Bethany Boyo
Credit: shutterstock
Wardrobe decluttering can be very difficult especially if you’re the kind of person who attaches memories to their belongings. If you have trouble letting go of your items, Content Creator and Fashion News Editor Bethany Boyo, explains how best to declutter your wardrobe. Decluttering isn’t a chore and can be quite satisfying and fun if done the correct way. Here are 5 easy questions to ask yourself if you need to put your wardrobe in order.
1. What is your focus?
Think about what you want to achieve from the clear out. Envisioning your ideal wardrobe will make the process a lot more fulfilling. You may even want to go as far as creating visuals like an online mood board on Pinterest of your favourite wardrobe looks, colour coordination and organisation techniques. Ultimately, think of the process as a chance for you to be able to think of sustainable ways to let go of your old clothes or a way to get dressed quicker and more efficiently.
2. How does the item make you feel?
When decluttering, we tend to use our emotions as a guide in order to determine what we should keep. That bag a good friend bought for you, the jumper your mum bought you for Christmas, the expensive bag your boyfriend bought on your birthday. You have to ask yourself how you really feel about each item, make a yes or no pile and determine whether it makes you feel happy (the size, quality, durability), or do you feel it has passed wearing date (is it an old design, does it look old, was it an impulse buy). Regardless of any guilt, if it’s got to go then into the ‘no’ pile, it goes.
3. Is it still functional?
Ask yourself if the item is still intact, or is it damaged beyond repair. Essentially what you’re trying to determine here is if the item still has a purpose. Do you need it? As women we tend to keep things we don’t particularly need, sometimes we do this unconsciously. Although the item may not fit into our lives anymore, we tend to hold on to what they represent for instance a memory, a song, an era in our lives or a person. If you can’t remember the last time you wore the item, or if you haven’t worn it in the last year, it’s likely the item should go into the ‘no’ pile.
4. Is it an expression of your style?
What is your personal style? Take a step back and analyse your clothing and you will see correlations in what you wear. Is there anything that doesn’t fit in? At times we don’t actually realise that there is a subtle pattern in our shopping habits and we tend to have very similar items of clothing in our wardrobe. Sometimes we even buy the same item in different colours. In these instances, we don’t actually need both and one colour most likely gets worn the most. Another thing to think about is just because the item was an expression of your style two years ago, that doesn’t mean it is now. Evaluation is the engine oil of progress, so make sure to really step back and check if your style has changed and if your wardrobe represents that change.
5. Can it be upcycled or sold?
The final decision to make in the decluttering process is what you’re going to do with all your unwanted pieces! There are a few options for you to take on board during this part of the process. Sustainability is a major movement in the world at the moment with many brands actively trying to become more sustainable in a bid to save our world. Try your hand at upcycling - it’s both sustainable and a way of expanding your creativity indoors. Another option would be to resell these items online. If your items still remain in good quality or are barely worn, try selling them on Depop, Vinted, eBay.
Bethany Boyo - Content Creator and Fashion News Editor