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Fitness Influencers:

The Truth and the Misconceptions

Words Victoria Deborah

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The gym is seen as an escape from the day-to-day lives of millions and has become yet another source of anxiety. Exercise improves mental health as it releases endorphins also known as “feel good” chemicals. When you’re feeling down or stressed, exercise can put a smile on your face! Now more than ever, the world has begun to understand the importance of exercising however, with no real clue of what to do. You need to stay fit but there are so many videos and Instagram lives showing you what to do. So who do you watch? What fitness plan do you follow? What does your body need? Personal Trainer Victoria Deborah, highlights the fitness myths that may have you doing all the wrong things before you’ve even really started.


Myth 1: “You can target your fat burn” 

Fact: Working out can reduce your overall body fat, but you can’t control where that fat comes from unfortunately. So full body workouts can help with equal distributions of fat loss in all areas.


Myth 2: No pain, no gain!

Fact: I live by this motto however, you need to understand that if it is more than a little discomfort then stop what you are doing and consult a doctor. The worst thing you can do during this time at home, is to do something that will land you in hospital, so work hard but STAY SAFE!


Myth 3: “Lifting heavy weights makes you bulky”

Fact: So you planned to buy some weights to accompany your workouts but stopped yourself, maybe the option of cardio is best because everyone is doing it? Weights actually help you slim down. Women who lift a challenging weight for at least eight reps, burn twice as many calories as women who do 15 reps with lighter dumbbells according to a study published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. So, in short, you can finish that amazon purchase now.


Myth 4: Running beats walking

Fact: You’ve seen all your neighbours running, you pop to the shops and there's another runner going by, so you feel like you need to be jogging. You give it a go and 2 minutes in, you realise you can’t do it anymore. Let me be the bearer of good news, since walking and running target the same muscle group (just at different intensities), they come at very similar health results when you compare the overall energy burn. That being said, it will take you twice the amount of time if you were walking. In my opinion, pace yourself and push yourself a little more than the last time.


Myth 5: Crunches are the best exercise for your core

Fact: Crunches - the first thing you do when you have a goal for a flatter stomach. Sadly, although it is an exercise that is very ‘body specific’, doing 100 crunches everyday won’t necessarily help with building your core. To really cinch your waistline, you’re better off doing multi-muscle exercises that target every region of your core. My favourite one being the squat!

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Finally: you shouldn’t be working out everyday.

Believe it or not resting is actually one of, if not THE most important part of exercising. When you exercise you are creating microscopic tears in the muscles. This essentially enables your body to adapt and become more stronger and more resilient to training but this occurs during rest, so put the resistance bands down, stop the Instagram lives and run a nice bath and put your feet up. You want to come out of quarantine looking fine not feeling broken.


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