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How to Prepare for the World of Work After a Global Pandemic
Words Vanessa Torgbor
“I’m graduating in 2 months” - How to prepare for the world of work after a global pandemic.
In a world of fear, anguish and volatility due to the current pandemic, recruitment is undoubtedly an extra concern for some soon to be graduates, as daily we are seeing a significant impact on the jobs market. The likes of hiring freezes, job cuts and deferrals have many asking whether the chances of getting their dream job is all a facade. Despite the uncertainty, we are in control of our future and having a positive perspective is everything, especially in situations that we cannot change – though put in many tough circumstances we have to remember nine times out of ten, there’s always light at the end of the tunnel! After being in the graduate recruitment industry for almost 2 years, here are some of my top tips to help guide you through this season:
Be productive & resilient
Productivity is key, especially as you are likely to have more time on your hands than usual. During your spare time you have a few options to consider:
Have you thought about getting a part time job? There are many zero-hour contracts and essential roles available in the market at the moment. Although the news is focused on the negative, some industries are thriving during this pandemic. Technology, food and logistic firms are all examples of industries expanding and hiring on a daily basis. I highly suggest taking advantage and making extra money whilst you patiently wait for something better to come up. Needless to say, if you are struggling with this and would prefer to stick to the industry you had your heart set on, try getting some key work experience at a small local business. Yes, unpaid work can hurt, however as much exposure to the world of work can definitely help boost your cv and essential skills.
Volunteering for a local charity could also be helpful. Some charities need all the help they can get right now, as quite frankly the world is going through a lot! Sign yourself up to help the elderly or carry out essential shopping for those who are in need, all of this is extremely valuable and can be deeply rewarding.
Learn & network
Learning and networking is pivotal in this life if you want to win. At the end of this difficult season, you don’t want to regret binging on Netflix whilst you should have been signing up for LinkedIn and reading a book! You may not be able to walk into the job of your dreams straight away but if you work on building your knowledge and making connections now, you’ll be one step ahead.
Start thinking about what you can do to differentiate yourself by showing you have more to offer than just your degree. Employers will be looking for a highly skilled workforce after this pandemic, so be mindful of the skills beneficial to your industry and gain some extra knowledge. Teach yourself coding or v look ups, whatever floats your boat, just bear in mind the aim here is to level up and surpass your peers (the competition).
Make sure you are doing your due diligence and researching into your industry and job roles, the internet is free! Start using LinkedIn if you haven’t already. Create yourself a robust profile mentioning the different skills you have developed over the years. Once complete, use this as a platform to access free knowledge and build your network.
I would recommend reaching out to individuals who are currently working in a role that you are interested in as well as reaching out to recruiters who specialise in that field.
I do understand that contacting a complete stranger can be quite daunting but, taking risks and being bold can reap very high and beneficial rewards. Be sure to introduce yourself, a brief explanation as to why you are contacting them, then get into asking some key questions that will help you gain a better understanding of the role. Depending on how many questions you have, suggesting a phone or video call may be an easier way to network and build a stronger rapport. Remember to do your research beforehand. This will not only make you look proactive but will ensure the decision you are making is the right one.
Warning! Delving deeper can either go one or two ways, you may be even more passionate about your career, or find that your dream job wasn’t what you thought it was. I would encourage you to remain open-minded and find peace in the fact that there are many different roles you are qualified for regardless of your degree subject. In fact, many employers these days are keen to recruit people with different degree backgrounds, as this can bring a new diversity of thought into a team. Just remember, there’s more jobs out there than you think!
Prepare yourself for post COVID-19 and the next recruitment season
Post COVID-19 feels ages away, but this season will soon end and your time is coming but you need to be focused and ready for it. Dedicate time to creating a strong CV and preparing yourself for applications and interviews. Video interviews and psychometric testing are very popular during the application process for most companies now. I would recommend practising ahead of this by using friends and family to provide you with some honest feedback. Top tip for applications: Keep an eye on out for opening dates and apply early so you are organised.
If you don’t have this support, get in touch with your university careers services for some advice and content , they are the middle man so sometimes know exactly what employers are looking for, they can also offer some great advice if you don’t exactly know what to do with your degree.
Take time to reflect on what’s going to work best for you as everybody is different. The options above may not necessarily work for you but remember you have choice. For example, you may want to consider taking a year abroad or applying for a master’s degree to learn more before entering into the jobs market. Once again, it's key you do your research here and ask yourself some questions - “is a masters needed for my line of work”? Can I afford to do this? If so, find the right university and enquire further.
All in all, the key to weathering the COVID-19 storm, is to keep calm and focus on becoming your best self, this is critical! I understand that none of these tips may have been part of the original plan but you should still feel confident about your prospects after graduation. The jobs will come however, patience and resilience is everything. Keep applying for your dream industry job, get yourself signed up to recruitment agencies, set yourself some weekly goals (e.g. 8 applications a week) and make the best decisions for yourself.