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New Year, New Body
Words Bevery Pokuah
New year new you - sounds like such a cliche term which is constantly used every new year, but whether you believe in keeping New Year's resolutions or not, the beginning of a new year is the best time for a new beginning, a fresh start; instilling healthy habits, remodelling, recharging and re-energising oneself. Every year will require a new level of you, which also is the same in the area of fitness whether you’re a beginner or a die-hard fitness fanatic. For many, exercise and nutrition is a common topic for the New Year with many people flooding into the gyms and local parks, with good intentions and getting started with healthier habits but some tend to lose sight of their good intentions and fall back into old habits. If a healthier New Year is what you want, keep that desire strong throughout the year. New habits are not born overnight; you have to keep working at them so here some top tips to usher you into a healthy 2023.
Do what you like
Sounds strange right but if you look forward to a particular physical activity, then do it. If you like swimming, find an indoor swimming pool in a gym or leisure centre, if you like dancing look into dancing based workouts either online or in a local studio. Have the confidence to do whatever will make you move. You may be familiar with running and cycling for instance both great forms of cardio does not mean they have to be your thing. If you like what you're doing you will do it continually if what you're doing feels forced and you're not fond of it you won’t do it. If you are not sure of what you would enjoy try a variety of activities until you encounter one that sticks
Setting realistic goals
In setting goals attempted break it down into smaller achievable goals so for example if your goal is to lose 10kg, think of it as a goal of losing 0.5kg-1kg per week making the goal more attainable, if your goal is to gain muscle mass you can aim to putting on 2-3kg of muscle mass for example. If you're looking to run 5K, try intervals of both running and jogging to get to the first 1K till you reach the 5K. Also keep in mind that said goals will change as you work towards them consistently.
What makes these goals attainable is sharing your goals with an accountability partner, having the support of others can both inspire and motivate you , you won’t want to report to your accountability partner or family members that you’ve given up on your goals, you would want to report that you are working hard to get what you want guess what you never know who you will inspire in the process you’ll be shocked that you may inspire others to join you in this journey.
Something is better than nothing
Something is always better than nothing don’t beat yourself up for noting having in enough time in the day or week to he things done the most common comment when it comes to the gym “I can only get to the gym for half an hour is it really worth it” yes it is absolutely worth it you can get a lot done in that time and it keeps you in the habit of exercising
Treat yourself
Treat yourself (within reason) when you’ve hit your goal for the week, whether it is getting to the gym or working out 4 times a week, or completing a 10-minute jog without stopping. Reward yourself for your hard work, but choose a reward that won’t undo your hard work; some new fitness swag, a massage or a mani pedi. Regular treats and encouragement can help you reach your milestone faster than you previously thought possible.
It’s okay to be nervous, but don’t let it stop you
People are often afraid to try something new which is completely normal, nerves can often be beaten with some extra preparation and research. If there is a group exercise class or a personal trainer you have been curious about, but haven’t gone because you are nervous about it, ask someone for more information. By finding out more about a teacher’s teaching style and the format of the class, you will feel more mentally prepared and in control.
Ask for assistance
Many types of exercise are not intuitive. While your body knows how to walk without you having to think about it, it does not automatically know how to properly lift weights or use kettlebells hence the right direction and guidance is needed to prevent injury. If you are a member of a gym, ask a personal trainer to show you the correct technique.