New Zealand’s Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s Shock Resignation Highlights the Need for Self-care, Especially As a Leader
Words Yetunde Salako
Photo Credit: Alexis on Designs
A state of physical and mental exhaustion, burnout happens over a long period of constant exposure to stress. The most common type of burnout is work related, and it does not go away on its own. You may not be able to step away from your job role or take time off, but there are some things you can incorporate into your daily routine to minimise it’s effect and prevent burnout.
Speak up
Having a good manager is key for this one, so managers listen up! Speak to management about your concerns, explore flexible working options, working from home removes the commute and affords people more time and energy to dedicate to their wellbeing at no cost to business needs. Can working hours change? Breaks during the day, simple but effective and you would be surprised at how many people skip the necessity of refuelling their body with food and time away from their work. You can’t drive from London to Manchester on an empty tank.
Knowing the difference between working hard and burnout is key, are you tired because you have an important deadline and you have been working longer hours? Or are you always tired? Is there a sense of fulfilment when you’re completing the task or are you always feeling drained and disconnected or overwhelmed. Once you identify burnout it is important to address it, for your physical and emotional wellbeing.
My favourite, I’m a working mother so I understand just how difficult it can actually be to get good quality sleep. But I prioritise sleep, key word prioritise. I sometimes organise my daily tasks to ensure I’m in bed asleep by a certain time, everything non-urgent can wait. Avoid caffeine and limit screen-time to aid better quality sleep.
Related closely to awareness is your boundaries, say no. You know you best, what are your limitations? When can you push yourself a little further to achieve a goal, and when have you overdone yourself and need to rest, so you can go again?