A Call for Leadership: Compassion in the Midst of Chaos

Words Hannah George

The Nigerian uprising has left the nation in uproar, unrest and sorrow. SARS protests have exposed the wounds of a failing government system. Even though the protests have shown an immense strength and resolve of the Nigerian youth, the question of sound leadership and compassion cannot be ignored.


Today, Wednesday 21st October 2020, thousands of people took to the streets in London City to carry out a peaceful protest outside The Nigerian House to demand answers from the government. Demonstrators presented a united from, expressing anger and betrayal by the Nigerian government. It was not a Nigerian protest, or a protest by Nigerians but a protest for human rights and for the leadership that Africa deserves.

It is now evident that Nigeria is in extreme need of new leadership because without great leadership, the citizens will continue to be misguided and economically exploited. Change leaders and nation builders who are dynamic, focused, and selfless are in high demand in all industries from politics, to music, to finance, to entertainment, to business and many more. One of the most effective factors that will lead to the betterment and real change in Nigeria is compassion. Compassion for humanity, compassion for this generation.

Where age may have once been deemed a requirement when it comes to leadership, that mindset has now shifted. If responsibility was determined by age, consequently, Nigeria has proved that to be ineffective. Nigeria needs leaders who will act their responsibility not their age. Nigeria needs leaders not only with intellect but with heart.


Currently, in the political remit in Nigeria, becoming a politician is unattractive and affiliated with negativity. The word politician needs to be rebranded by inspirational and impactful leaders who have vision to rebuild the foundations of Nigeria. The next set of leaders would require courage, integrity and honesty. It is expected that the next generation of leaders will show audacious audacity in order to break the barriers of the nation and will be those who are patriotic, not only to Nigeria but this generation. The answers to Nigeria’s problems are in the hands of those with great minds and sound leadership - they will provide solutions to steer Nigeria through this great storms of despair.

Here are some ways that you can help:

  • Educate - Educate yourself and educate others about what has been going on in Nigeria and how you can support.

  • Amplify - Use your social media platforms to share information, tweet and post photos. It doesn't matter how big or small your platform is - you can reach someone. 

  • Peacefully Protest - If you have the opportunity, take part in a peaceful protest to show your support and love.

  • Donate - You can donate by through Feminist Coalition and Connected Development who provide funds for emergency healthcare, food and shelter in support of victims and protestors.

    Hannah George - Online Editor
