How to become a fashion writer
How to become a fashion writer
Learn how to break into one of the most competitive jobs in the fashion industry.
Words Caitlin Black
Image: rule-breaking journalist Franca Sozzani
In the current age of digital media and self-promotion, there have never been as many opportunities to become a fashion writer. The democratisation of fashion was established when online fashion lovers and critics voiced their opinions on their own fashion blogs and websites and gave rise to self-made fashion journalists, editors and writers.
This levelled playing field may make the road to becoming a fashion writer appear straightforward and even easy. However, with the advent of social media, the speed of the fashion news cycle and the change in the way in which we consume content - it can take time to get your voice heard.
Fear not, as there are many ways to become a fashion writer and hone your skills to become a well-respected fashion journalist with a unique voice. Here are some tricks of the trade to help you to do so.
This may seem obvious, but you would be surprised by the number of aspiring writers who haven’t written anything past academic work. Whether it be a website, a blog or a newsletter- the only way to get better at writing is to practice. You can write without the pressure of an audience if it helps or you can publish articles online and share them with those you trust- but just keep writing. The freedom of writing for yourself is getting to choose the topics you write about. When you eventually apply to a fashion writing role, you are going to need to send proof of your ability, published or not, to prospective employers and a blog is a great way of doing this.
2. Ask for Feedback
Once you have gotten more comfortable with sharing your work, an essential part of growing as a writer is getting comfortable with feedback. This is difficult as writing is such a personal endeavour, but we have blind spots and the only way to get better is to ask someone you trust to edit your work. This will mean growing a thicker skin, sometimes swallowing your pride and killing your darlings. It will inevitably make you a better writer to work with, as editors prefer to give criticism to writers who are open to it.
3. Find your voice
In order to cut through the noise of a thousand other fashion blogs and newsletters, you need to have a point of view. When approaching an article, make sure that you are coming at the topic from a unique angle to ensure that your writing is original. Finding your voice is a process and not a destination. The biggest thing between you and finding your voice is fear - and the fear is always there. You need to take a leap of faith and trust that your words will catch you. Ultimately having a distinct point of view will attract publications that best align with you.
4. Enter writing competitions
To build on being open to feedback, entering your writing into competitions is an excellent way to gauge if you are on the right track. Writing competitions are not the be-all and end-all of deciding your fate as a fashion writer, but are a great way to have your work read by professionals and to receive positive feedback.
5. Pitch, pitch and then pitch again
As a fashion writer, you will quickly become acquainted with rejection. It is a notoriously difficult industry to get into, so you are going to have to get used to hearing no. But that doesn’t mean that you are a bad writer or that you should give up. Find the editors of your favourite publications and pitch them your ideas. It’s important to make sure that your ideas are fresh and unique- this is where your personal point of view comes in. It is also important to be concise and get straight to the point in your pitch. Many editors and magazines have published guides to pitching to ensure that your email pitch catches the eye of an editor - have a look at these to make your pitch the best that it can be.
6. Get experience
A degree in fashion journalism is not necessary to be a successful fashion writer. There are ways to learn on the job by getting as much experience as you can. While internships are not always a possibility, they are a great way to learn how a fashion magazine or website is run and what it’s like to work for a publication. You can also write for local publications to get real-life practice and you can take unpaid writing gigs in the beginning to get the experience of writing for an official publication.
7. Stay curious
One of the most important things when being any writer is to stay curious. Keep learning about the fashion industry, from the history of fashion houses to the differences between textiles. This type of knowledge is not only essential to being a good reporter and writer but will set you a part and give your writing depth. It’s also important to have your finger on the pulse of what is happening socially and culturally in the world around you as this of course affects the fashion industry.