10 tips on becoming a content-creator

10 tips on becoming a content creator  

A decade ago, the term “content-creator” didn’t exist. Fast-forward to the present-day and the  term is at the tip of everyone’s tongue.  Guaranteed, the terms influencer, blogger or content-creator have turned up on your radar within  the last 24 hours; and arguably, every one that posts on social media is a content creator. That  said, while we all create content of our own lives, there is a massive distinction between those  who create content for fun, and those who create engaging content for a living. With this in mind,  here are my tips of how you can up your game and transform your content from amateur to a professional. 

Words Oriana Findlay

Credit: Oriana Findlay

1. Just start 

You might think it goes without saying, but sometimes the hardest part is getting started. We all  know social media is saturated with content-creators, and sometimes that can be a deterrent to  getting started.. we often waste time wondering if we should take the plunge, but take it from me,  better late than never. There’s no better time to start than the present, so don’t waste time  procrastinating and just get started!  

2. Consistency  

You’ve probably heard it a million times but consistency really is key. It’s probably the hardest part  of the job, but if you post at least once a day, every day, you are guaranteed to see the results.  This simple but true step is guaranteed to impress brands, keep followers engaged and entice  new people to press follow.  

3. Be real  

Although I don’t mean Be Real, the latest trending social media app, there is a truth to its  founding ethos for becoming a content-creator; people love to see you be real. While we all love  an aesthetically curated feed, there’s nothing like a behind the scenes insight to make your  audience relate to you on a deeper and more personal level.  

4. Be social  

It’s funny how something that’s called social media, has developed into something quite the  opposite; but being social, and making friends is perhaps one of the most important tips. Not only  does the infamous Instagram algorithm love a social butterfly, but engaging with content that you  love, and making new friends, makes you happier and is also a great way to cross-promote. 

5. Understand the basics  

One of the questions I get asked the most is what camera I use. It often comes as a surprise  when I let people know I only use an iPhone. People often forget the basics behind  photography… clean your lens, always make sure there’s good lighting and have fun! 

6. Always shoot in 4K 

I was surprised to find out recently how many people don’t know that iPhones can shoot in 4k!  Don’t forget to shoot in 4k every time… when you switch to this option, there’s no reason to use a  camera, your content will look professional and clear, even on a larger screen.  

7. Don’t forget post-production 

Shooting is only half the work. Learn about the apps that will take your content from good to  amazing - I recommend apps like Splice and InShot to cut your videos, Prequel to manipulate  colours/tones, and colour-tone to give your content that extra-edge with unique filters.  

8. Learn from the best

Use your free time to scroll through posts, stories and reels from successful accounts - learn what  works… what audios perform well, what type of editing looks good and what kind of posts attract  the most engagement.  

9. Find your niche  

We are saturated with content on social media, so it’s so important to have a niche to distinguish  ourselves from others. This might be a page solely dedicated to Italian food, or perhaps  something as simple as daily style tips. Whatever it is, it’s important to identify and promote what  makes you unique. 

10. Have fun 

Like anything in life, the more you have fun, the more successful you’ll be! If you’re truly  passionate about what you’re creating and sharing with your followers, they will feel it too.  Enthusiasm is contagious, and if you’re positive and consistent, there’s no way you won’t be  successful. 


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