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WOTC Advertising Feature


The Renatural

Founder - Aasiyah Abdulsalam


Launched in May 2019, with the aim of reinventing the wig industry and all of its products, The Renatural’s Wig Fix is the very first invention within the wig industry for 55 years. The last major invention was during the 19thcentury in France and many inventions since then do not offer daily use or long-term wear. Keeping your wig secure and easily maintainable has never been easier. Wix Fix can be used daily and lasts for years and is safe in comparison to the many hair and bonding glue solutions currently on the shelves - which usually lasts a few days at the very most (with upkeep) and can only be used daily, if you don’t mind losing your hairline. A number of UK based social media influencers have been vocal about how damaging the use of hair glue has been causing permanent discoloration and hair loss for many of them. 


Having relocated to Ireland aged 10, Aasiyah found there were no hair stylists who understood her hair type and texture, which led her to begin learning to do her hair by herself. She invested countless hours in YouTube watching DIY videos and tutorials.

At university, she studied Geography and undertook a body of research called ‘Follow the Thing’, developed by Geographer Ian Cook which traces the origin of an item. She took on this approach with wigs, finding out who first made it and where - a process that was only the beginning of Aasiyah’s entrance into the billion pound industry. 

Like many of the greatest inventions that came as a solution to a problem, the same can be said of The Renatural’s Wig Fix. Aasiyah found herself wondering what she could do to keep her kinky curly wig in place whilst having to endure hot weather conditions. Her only option at the time was a headband - which was also slowly eroding her hairline. From here, she began to brainstorm. She became obsessed with the idea of creating a solution. 

Wig Fix comes in five shades which includes, transparent, fair, tan, medium and deep. It is also hypoallergenic and whilst keeping your wig securely fastened onto your head, also provides comfort with its lightweight and breathable silicon material.





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