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Noella Coursaris Musunka, is an international model and philanthropist. Just over 10 years ago, she devoted herself to raising young girls in her homeland, Congo, founding her charity Malaika in 2017 and has had massive success in building and empowering the community. Proceeds from her fashion collaborations with designers such as Roksanda, The Outnet and most recently, rental platform HURR, go directly to Malaika; she is a champion for girls’ education. Her work has reached beyond the nation of DRC into the African continent as a whole. As well as being a leading voice for in this arena, she is an Ambassador for the Global fund to fight Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria.
To My Younger Self,
I know life up to this point has not been kind to you. Losing your father and leaving your mother to go to another continent was painful. Yet it has given you a strength and resilience that you will always be grateful for. You are African and you know what beauty and potential your home nation has, and one day you will be a catalyst for change.
Imagine a free school that provides 370 Congolese girls with a holistic primary and secondary education. Imagine if this facility also teaches their mothers to sew and to read and write so they can earn a living. What if there were more wells in the area, healthcare for the students, and better infrastructure? This is what you will build with a team of incredible people around you. It will be challenging, but you will achieve your dream.
You have an amazing future ahead of you where you will elevate others and give back to your home country. You feel alone and overwhelmed sometimes, but you will find your place and your identity. Stay strong and keep putting one foot in front of the other. Know your value and only say yes to things that
will help you pursue your dreams and passions. Anything worth doing usually requires a lot of hard graft and commitment, so keep learning and don’t let challenges or negative opinions hold you back. Don’t say yes just because others expect it of you. Your time is precious, so use it well.