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South African born performer and artist Nqobile Danseur, has toured with and appeared in the videos of some of the biggest names in Entertainment from Drake to Tiwa Savage to Migos to Kanye West. She is a triple threat; she dances, choreographs and sings. She has written her own songs ever since she was 14 years old.


Dear Nqo,

Aww my Nqob Nqob, my babygirl. Just reflecting and writing this right now just got me emotional because WOW, what a journey we’ve had babe. First of all, before I get into this letter I just want to tell you I LOVE YOU! I’ve never really said that to you have I? Damn. I’m sorry I’ve never expressed that to you, especially as you deserved to know and feel that you are loved!! 

Babe, I’m super PROUD of you. Remember back in St Michael’s primary school when you use to perform every talent show, break time, any opportunity you got you were literally show ready. All you ever dreamt of was to be on stage, entertaining. It’s still surreal how you’ve lived and still living most of your dreams. Baby girl, you did it. Thank you for dreaming BIG, thinking BIG. I honestly wouldn’t be where I am without you babygirl. Your dreams and limitless ideas taught me how to have faith and always take the leap. Thank you babygirl. What a bright, beautiful, smart, talented, worthy, vibrant and sweet young girl you are. I love you so much my angel. I actually look up to you, very weird I know. You’ve literally been my strength and inspiration when I have my moments where I start second guessing myself. You literally have no fear, you’re so brave and confident. I admire that about you and I’m going to continue to make you so proud babe. 

Thank you for being you. I love you so much Nqo.


Nqobilé Danseur


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