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Known as Britain’s first lady of black comedy, Angie Le Mar is one of Britain’s most renowned comedians. She has won numerous awards; Best stand up female 2000, Most original material 2001, Men and women merit 2002 and prestigious EFBWO- European federation of black women in business 2002. In her career, she regularly sold out theatre shows and made history being the first ever black comedian to sell out a show in London’s west end and the first British performer to perform at the Harlem Apollo. She founded Straight to Audience productions to acknowledge a growing international market for quality black entertainment.
Dear Angie,
Well, well, who knew? Well you kind of knew you would be doing something amazing, you were right, you just believed and trusted yourself. When you were in bed dreaming about how you life was going to go, You painted your picture, you stuck to the plan, I have to give it to you, you were consistent, you found what you loved early, that passion, and never let it go, just, wow girl!
You may have thought you were a nuisance at school, well, you are right, your were, but you will find out later that you are Dyslexic, bless you, you hated reading aloud,But you found your way of dealing with it, so typical of you, you were always cracking jokes, taking the attention away maybe, bless you, that was your way of protecting yourself, getting laughs and distracting from a fear you knew nothing about.
Keep going the way your going, you love life, your enjoying friends and family. Even the heartaches and disappointments makes for building muscle in your character. You are a dreamer, and you dream of so many things, you love making people laugh, even if it gets you in trouble, babes, wait to see what you become, it’s going to blow your mind, when you look back and see the history you made, many doubted your dreams, but those days in the bathroom rehearsing you acceptance speech, well, it was you speaking and visualising your future, and the pretending to sign autographs In your bedroom, was worth it.
All I can say to you, is, everything you experience; the heartbreaks, the hurt, the rejections that may make you questioned yourself, please believe me when I say, these are the making of you, every experience is your pending Ted Talk, you will grow in strength and character, but above all, some great material, you little writer you, you will switch it up, your rejection will inspire you to create your own destiny.
You have such a great future my love, keep walking bold and confidently to your dreams, trust your instincts.
My last tip, use anti ageing cream as you get into your 20’s, one more thing, you're not fat, don’t get caught up in that, you are beautiful and everything about you works. Just left to say, I love you Angie, I really do.