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Zeze Mills, best known for her social media personality and outspoken character is a cultural commentator and presenter of the Zeze Millz show. She has interviewed some of the biggest names in the entertainment industry, and often stirring controversy amongst the audience, Zeze Millz is a big name in the TV and media industry.


Hey Doll,

Hope you’re well, thought I’d write you a little letter.

The time is 2020 and the world is definitely a crazy place but you’ll be ok!

I’m not going to make out like you’ll have a really tough life till this point but it was definitely challenging and at times confusing but most importantly enjoyable.

At 20, you have your heart broken, by the person that you thought you would be with forever. Ultimately, that heartbreak shapes you into the person you will be. You’ll live in LA, meet some great people, but come back to London where it all will begin… 

You will stand up to racist nightclubs and speak out for black women who experience colourism. This is when you will begin to find your voice and your true passion! However until that happens you will struggle with what you want to do in life and you’ll often doubt yourself and you’re worth.  But, as they say, “everything happens for a reason” and as you grow, you start to learn that this is so true! You’ll lose one of the closest people to you, but when she’s gone remember everything she taught you, and that will keep you going. I promise.

As you get older, you’ll learn to become more confident in yourself, to be more fearless everyday, to always speak your mind, to always stand up for yourself and others - but most importantly, to always stay true to yourself.


Zeze Mills


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