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Vanessa Sanyauke is a diversity and inclusion professional, presenter and writer with over a decade of experience advising FTSE 100 businesses on D&I, CSR and policy. Her clients include THE U.K Parliament, Bank of England, HSBC, Vodafone and Facebook, to name a few. She is the host and creator of a top 100 iTunes global business podcast, ‘The After Works Drinks Club’ and online panel talk show for millennial women ‘Girls talk’ and a well sought-after presenter and speaker on business, women’s issues and popular culture.


Dear Vanessa,

I know you are going through so many emotions and life changes that have involved disappointment, heartbreak, low self esteem, anger, rage and confusion. I want you to know that it is okay to have these feelings and to give yourself grace and time to heal. You didn't do as well in your final exams as you had wished, but maybe it is a sign that you are not passionate about this subject. Going forward, try to make decisions for you and not your parents or family. Do whatever sets your soul on fire. Act on the ideas and goals that visit you in your dreams.

See a therapist. Travel as much as you can. Save for the future, even if it is a small amount every month, you will thank yourself later. You will lose some friends along the way in this journey we call life and you will recover from this and flourish.

Guard your heart above anything else. Look after YOUR needs FIRST. Selfish is not a negative word. Taking time to pause and think before making any decision is never a bad thing. Ask for help, don't carry a heavy load alone.

Remember: failure is the universe's way of rerouting you to the right direction.

Pray and meditate everyday.

Love yourself.

With love,

Vanessa Sanyauke


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