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With over 30 years of experience as a professional actor and director, Yasmin Sidhwa is leading her industry nationally and internationally. Her work includes repertory, TV and radio performances with the National Theatre as well as directing work for Tara Arts, The Edinburgh and International women’s festivals and Pegasus Theatre, where she directed numerous theatre productions as Creative learning director. She is currently the creative director of Oxford-based Mandala Theatre company, a national and international touring company that seeks to amplify the stories of those who aren’t heard.
Dear Yasmin,
I know at 16 this is a tough time for you – your parents divorcing, without giving you any warning. Your Mum literally moving out one lunchtime – when you came home from school. I know you’ve given up on trying to do any work for your ‘O’ levels, even though you did so well in your mocks. I understand you’re angry and you feel there is no point, now that your family has fallen apart.
But hang in there – it’s all going to be ok. You feel lost at the moment – but you will find your way. You have a passion – follow it – theatre will be your life and not just theatre so you can shine as an actor, oh no – you have so much more to offer! Your passion will become your purpose – to use theatre to turn so many young lives around. Young people like you will have a place, where they belong, a place where they are valued to speak out, to be creative, to express themselves.
You are unique Yasmin, there is no one like you and your place in the world counts. You will dedicate your life to using theatre to tell stories that are unseen, to share voices that are not heard. You know what it means to feel lost, to feel like you don’t belong, to feel as if you are not good enough. But trust me, these shadows are fading, you will step into your power as a mixed heritage woman from the South Asian Diaspora and White English background. You will use your knowledge, your empathy, your compassion to help change the lives of many young people like you. Offering them training in Youth Leadership, guiding young people from the African, South, East and South East Asian Diasporas and White working-class backgrounds into the Creative Industry. Giving them opportunities to perform in International Festivals, getting paid work as Assistants and even being part of the professional company – when you set up Mandala Theatre Company.
You have faced up to the racism you received in school, even then you would stand up for yourself – but then it cut so deep. You do stand in your truth and speak out, don’t be afraid to be your authentic self.
Yasmin, you need to know that you are good enough – just as you are. You are loved, you belong and there are people in your life who will guide you. Your parents love you and you are not responsible for their breakup. They will be friends again and you and your sisters have a bond that can’t be broken.
Yasmin, believe in yourself right now, believe in your future. You will be drawn to people who will guide and support you. If you do not find them out – they will find you. Trust your intuition and know that you are here to make the world a better place!