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Financial Wellness Coach, Mathematics & Finance graduate and host and director of her namesake show Bola Sol, began her career when she found a passion to engage women in money matters. She created the platform Refined Currency in 2015 and Rich Girl Chronicles, hosting weekly chats on social media about money. Bola aims to increase the wealth mindset and build financial confidence, initiating discussions that will enable people to move forward with their finances.
Dear Bola,
I wish you would know that everything is truly going to be okay. You spend so much time worrying that you miss your moments because you were thinking about the next moment. Luckily for you, you’re going to have many special moments in your life that are worth celebrating.
Although this journey to adulthood is one that is scary, you’re going to be okay. Chill. No one goes through life without tears. You will never be alone because the people who love you will never allow that to be your portion and that in itself is a blessing. With that being said I hope you always remember to be a blessing to other people because hard times are coming and people are going to need it.
Remember to enjoy who you are becoming. You will face some of the toughest lessons you’ve ever had to face. You will lose friends, you’ll question peoples actions, and you also unfortunately question yourself. Don’t stop what you’re doing but if there is anything I can say in terms of character, please remain humble. Remaining humble isn’t solely based on the fact that pride goes before a fall. It is also based on the fact that your feet should always be firmly planted on the ground. We are all human, no one is exempt from flaws. Recognise your flaws, forgive other people for their flaws and continue to be the best version of you, you can be.
Love yourself always because at every turn, this world is going to try to make you question your value. But you are a black woman, phenomenally.
B x