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Georgia Thomas is the 27-year-old CEO of thriving British jewellery brand House of Bijoux offering statement pieces for women. Georgia is an advocate for empowering women and allowing them to feel confident.


You are beautiful as you are.

Your hair, Your curly hair is beautiful. You don't need to be straightening it, it’s beautiful as it is. Your features are beautiful, your skin is beautiful and do not let anyone put you down and tell you otherwise. You are a strong woman of colour and you are fortunate enough to know the Caribbean side, the black side and your history and your strong family that have come over from the Caribbean to build a better life for themselves, but also your white family that have also worked hard and come together to build a beautiful family. Don't let anyone put you down.

Don't hide from being who you are. Be confident, be strong, be brave and always stand up for what you believe in, even if others do not think that what you're saying is right, as long as you know that you are speaking your truth, speak it and be confident and just continue to love yourself.

Georgia Thomas


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