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Currently running Unversal Music’s Globe division, Eki Igbinoba, developed a love for music froma young age, picking up her father’s record collection hobby. She is the founder of the community focused podcast for black women, Diaspora Darlings.
To my younger self,
The first and most important thing I would say is to learn patience. This is going to stop you from making some terrible decisions both with your professional and personal life. You don’t realise this now but you are so beautiful, you’re loved and your life matters. Ignore the cruel voices at school or anywhere else they’re coming from. There’s so much power in who you naturally are so you don’t need to pretend to be anything other than your wonderful self.
Being a black girl is a challenge and there have been times you’ve wished for lighter, whiter skin because you think you are dirty but you are not. Your darkness is beautiful and you don’t need to compare yourself to anybody else. They are not you and you are not them. Nobody can do you like you do.
Now there are going to be some really awful things I won’t be able to protect you from but I promise you they do not define you as a professional or as a woman. Don’t put pressure on yourself to have everything together, you are going to make some serious mistakes but more importantly you’re going to learn from them and bounce back better than you were before.
Finally, I can’t stress enough, LOVE YOURSELF