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Four myths about your period we need to throw in the bin 

Words Dr Morounkeji Ogunrinde

Periods are part of the normal function of the female anatomical body. However, several myths out there are funny, while some are borderline dangerous when it comes to this subject. General practitioner, podcaster and YouTuber Dr Morounkeji Ogunrinde discusses some of these myths with us and suggests some we should throw in the bin.

Periods are taboo

Have you ever told your employer that you had a migraine when you had instead been flooded with your period and were suffering from awful period cramps? You are not alone; several women go through this every month because of the taboo associated with discussing their periods. 

For centuries and even millennia, there has been a taboo associated with the words period, bleed and monthly cycle. This culture of silence around the normal functioning of the female body really ought to be re-analysed. Having a period is not a bad thing and should not be associated with shame. Shaming women for talking about their periods publicly is something we ought to avoid entirely.  

Period Pain is normal

We cannot overemphasise the above point; many women have normalised debilitating period pains each month. This is not normal, pain during periods that affect one’s ability to go to work and function, requires a review with your doctor. Some causes of debilitating period pain include; endometriosis, ovarian cysts, pelvic adhesions, or bowel problems. The silence around this issue also contributes to why many women do not receive the diagnosis and treatment they need early enough.

Vaginal Steaming will make your uterus cleaner after your period.

Jasmine, jade stones, webs and rose water have recently been touted as vaginal cleansers. Many women have now resorted to using both vaginal washes and also sitting over boiled herbs so the steam can cleanse their vaginas. Let us have an honest conversation; this is not only lacking scientific evidence; it is also dangerous. Introducing objects into the vagina can trigger a change in pH (acidity) and also trigger infections. Your vagina is a self-cleaning system; it needs nothing to make it clean other than to be left alone. Let her be and let her breathe. 

PMS is no big deal

Premenstrual syndrome or tension is real and should not be used as a joke. Some of the symptoms include, brain fog, bloating, mood swings and fluctuations in appetite. Due to hormonal changes around the period cycle, you may experience one or more of these symptoms in a significant way. Do not feel alone or isolated, many women go through these same symptoms, and there is hope. Try things like keeping a period tracker to record your symptoms and discussing your symptoms with your doctor. 

Which of these myths are you definitely throwing in the bin? 


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