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Amelia Heard
Amelia Heard is the 20-year-old entrepreneur who founded her handmade unisex jewellery brand, Tyger by the Tail during Covid-19. Launching mid January this year, and only being 19 at the time, Amelia had no prior experience in jewellery making. She had, however, always been creative, having studied sculpture in school and is currently studying the history of art, alongside sociology and business at university.
Amelia derives from a family of 5, who are all entrepreneurs, each having a business of their own. “During lockdown, I was trying to find creative things that I could do, but it was quite difficult trying to find the right materials whilst you’re at home,” she admitted. Amelia first began making clear rings - a current popular trend amongst her generation, and shortly after progressed into silver rings. “I made the first batch just for friends as a hobby,” she tells WOTC. In its first instance there was no brand name and there certainly wasn’t a business plan. However, after posting images on Instagram, she received 50 orders in just one week, which ultimately turned into a snowball effect and Tyger by the Tail was born.
The self-taught jewellery maker’s first business idea came to life when she was just 18-years-old. After taking a year out of education, she found herself in the position of a nanny and built a solid relationship with her boss at the time, who then became her business partner. The pair discovered a gap in the market for childcare and parents finding trustworthy people that they could willingly let into their homes. From there, they launched a closed community recruitment agency together which is currently also still operating. It was here Ameila picked up key knowledge and skills which essentially helped her to create her website, and understand social media, her customers and the legalities of business. Alongside this, she also sought the help of her entrepreneurial family members, of whom she credits for the majority of her business knowledge.
Tyger by the Tail’s initial ‘hot product’ was their full name customized rings, always usually selling out within 10 minutes of being restocked. Amelia soon realised that at her brand’s current level, she could reach more customers by making standard designs, much like her graphic and floral rings.
Amelia comments, “ do as much research as possible. I think everyone would be surprised how much [they] can learn just by watching YouTube videos, or speaking to people. The main thing is, don't worry about your age. When I started my first business, I was 18. Because it all worked over the phone because of the lockdown, no one actually knew how old I was. So there were no barriers. A lot of people think, “oh, I'm too young to do that,” but I don't think there's actually an age limit to anything,” she finished.
Amelia also told WOTC, “one main thing I've found with business, is that so many people think that you have to do loads of crowdfunding and have a huge amount of money to start out. But actually with both of them [referring to her businesses], I started with about 300 pounds of my own money. And you don't have to make your website incredible at the very first second. Start it, see how it works and then evolve from there.” Tenacious was certainly one thing you could label her.
Amelia’s vision for Tyger by the Tail supersedes the brand solely being about purchasing jewellery. She seeks to create an experience for her customers, wanting to incorporate music and fashion also. With no plans of opening her own brick and mortar, Amelia mainly envisions hosting pop ups and selling her products through online shopping platforms.
The young businesswoman enjoys having her finger in many pies and is certainly one to watch.
Instagram: @tygerbythetail