Jalisa Hardy
Jalisa Hardy
Jalisa Hardy reveals all about losing herself and finding it again.
WOTC: So, tell us about your book?
Jalisa: My life led me into where I am now, having to heal and restore spiritually, mentally and physically. The things I have been through people desire and oftentimes we don’t know everything we need is already inside us, in order to do what we were called and created to do that’s why I titled my book It's All in Me: My Journey to Freedom and Living Abundantly.
It took toxic and broken relationships and being in situations where I had no choice but to look inwardly rather than seek advice from others. As I grew up going through trauma and sexual abuse I had to figure out how to heal. Writing poetry and music was my salvation and therapy, to positively cope with all the things I have gone through. I had tried other things like alcohol, marijuana and sex but nothing filled the hole inside of me. People out there suffer in silence and don’t know the answers and solutions are inside them and others empathize with them, because they have been through similar situations and have survived and thrived.
I am one of those people who had multiple death experiences and should not be here today, but the grace of God kept me. I did some self-reflection that guided me to find the answers within me. Writing my book was one of the most freeing experiences I’ve had and I shared parts of my story that no one knew. The outpour of people’s responses, thanking me for sharing my story and thanking me and coming forward and sharing their stories. It was a confirmation that sharing my story was what people need and are looking for. Writing my book was so therapeutic because it shares things that I have never spoken of before.
My mum has not read my book till today because it’s so painful for her to read because it’s hard for her as my mum to read the words that show she wasn’t able to protect me and my sister the way she intended to. She knows some of the difficult experiences I have been through and the book voices the totality of all the difficult ordeals my sister and I endured. She had her own trauma and difficult experiences and I think if she had known what we had been through growing up, our lives would be completely different. The way things happened was how they were meant to happen. So I had to forgive my mum because part of me blamed her for not knowing and not being around and not seeing what was happening. It took me 20 days to write my book and it’s about 170 pages. It was therapeutic and divine timing and everything came together. From the front cover and graphics to every minute detail, people were giving and supporting me till its completion. It has been life-changing for me and the readers and people are looking for the person behind the brand and service and my book is literally that you get all of me. All the tools to overcome, all I have been through and God has shown me a framework to get through my healing journey. I call it my five steps to freedom; faith, family and friends, forgiveness, feeding my being and fun. These things have helped me to heal and see clearly what it is that I am called for and made to do. And being able to step out, give and help people on their journey, we all have access to these things. This has been more healing and I say healing is a journey and not a one-time thing; it has helped me to grow because I am able to support other people on their journey.
WOTC: That’s incredible! And writing the book and hearing everyone’s feedback, what was that like?
Jalisa: At first it was overwhelming and like I said hearing other people’s stories, of the trauma and abuses they have gone through. I didn’t know what to expect and all that I heard and it was confirmation that I was in the right direction. I was writing a significant piece of work that the world needs to hear and see.
WOTC: What would you say to others on how they can find their purpose the way you did?
Jalisa: Understand, all of our journeys are completely different. I look at other people’s lives and circumstances and try to mimic what they have done to get to their purpose and passion, and it’s a bumpy road. Sometimes you have to go through things and learn more and more inside of yourself to really understand your passion and purpose, there’s only one of you so just be your authentic self. That is your ultimate purpose because no one else can fill your shoes- that your personality and shine the light inside of you. Focus on yourself, don’t look at others and improve your areas of weakness and go from there. Don’t allow society or people to rush you, specifically achievements you ought to reach a certain age.
Purchase Jalisa’s book directly from Amazon or her website here.