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Let’s talk about climate change, what are we going to do about it?
Words Sandra Edmund
It’s safe to say that we live in a world that is changing at a sonic speed not only socially but also the environment that we knew is changing as well. As the advancement of the industry revolution continues to expediential increases and we as humans rely on it more and more, we must consider what it is doing to our environment, and how can we help the as individuals, companies, and charities in 2022.
Over the years environmentalists, activists and politicians have screamed about climate change. Conferences have been attended to and promises have been made but really and truly what is climate change?
Well in a nutshell, climate change is simply the changes and effect of those changes to the earth’s climate at global, local, or regional scales. Since the pre-industrial period, the term climate change has targeted the effect of the earth through human activities as we have majorly removed forests and burned fossil fuels and it has resulted in a rapid increase of carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere.
Although the terms "global warming" and "climate change" are frequently used interchangeably, the latter refers to both human- and naturally caused warming, as well as the impact it has on our world. The average increase in Earth's global surface temperature is the most frequent metric.
Human activities are thought to have elevated Earth's global average temperature by around 1 degree Celsius (1.8 degrees Fahrenheit) since the pre-industrial period, a number that is currently increasing at a rate of 0.2 degrees Celsius (0.36 degrees Fahrenheit) per decade. Human activity has unmistakably warmed the climate, oceans, and land. So now that you know what climate change and global warming is and what is currently happening to the earth, we have to wonder what our esteem politicians are doing about it?
For nearly three decades, the United Nations has brought almost every country on the planet together for global climate summits, known as COPs (Conference of the Parties). Climate change has progressed from a minor concern to a worldwide priority in that time.
The 26th annual summit, dubbed COP26, took place this year. COP26 was held in Glasgow, with the United Kingdom as President. Before the meeting, every country had to agree on how to deal with climate change. For twelve days, nearly 40,000 diplomats, negotiators, government officials, businesses, and citizens gathered with world leaders, negotiators, government representatives, businesses, and citizens to discuss the Earth's ever-changing climate.
At COP26, each country presented their most recent plans (NDCs) for decreasing emissions and combating climate change. The NDCs, on the other hand, have fallen significantly short of the 1.5°C target. The COP26 conference brought together over 40,000 delegates to accelerate progress toward the Paris Agreement and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change's aims.
What is the Paris Agreement?
In 2015, the United Nations Conference on Climate Change (COP21) met in Paris, and for the first time, every country agreed to work together to keep global warming well below 2 degrees Celsius, with a goal of 1.5 degrees Celsius, to adapt to the effects of a changing climate, and to make money available to achieve these goals.
The goal of 1.5 degrees is critical because every fraction of a degree of warming will result in the loss of many more lives and the destruction of livelihoods. Countries pledged to bringing forth national plans outlining how much they will reduce their emissions under the Paris Agreement, known as Nationally Determined Contributions, or 'NDCs.'
Female Leaders comments concerning this year’s COP26?
"COP26 presents an opportunity for the world to take immediate action to end the fossil fuel era and start regenerating nature while ensuring that all our remaining natural ecosystems stay intact. As nations look to rebuild their economies in the wake of COVID19, we have seen an emphasis on ‘building back better’ through a green recovery. More and more countries, businesses, and investors are also coming forward with commitments to decarbonize by 2030 or 2050." - (Elizabeth Wathuti: Global South Co-Chair of the COP26 Civil Society and Youth Advisory Council and the founder of the Green Generation Initiative)
"In my role, I am acutely aware of the need to listen to and work with countries on the frontline of climate change to drive forward global action on adaptation to the impacts and avert, minimise and address loss and damage. With the impacts of COVID-19, it is vitally important we work together to scale up finance from all sources and improve access (to finance). We must push for all countries to have National Adaptation Plans in place and to produce Adaptation Communications sharing best practice to help turn ambition into action." – (Anne-Marie Trevelyan: UK International Champion on adaption and resilience for the COP26 Presidency)
So, what can we do?
As individuals, we must be aware of climate change and global warming. The earth which was known has changed and is still changing. We always hear that if we don’t do anything for the environment then we would leave the next generation with a massive mess that they will have to clean up. Companies can adopt certain practices so that they can contribute to the fight against climate change, such as:
Sustainable Suppliers: Each business has a responsibility to the partners it selects. Choosing a supplier is also a good choice for the environment (or not, depending on the supplier). As a result, businesses should try to select suppliers who can demonstrate excellent environmental policies.
A company choosing greener equipment and infrastructures is more feasible for it to be more environmentally friendly. Companies might set up a fleet of hybrid or even electric vehicles to upgrade the vehicles of their employees to meet the most recent environmental standards.
So, the question is back to you, what will you do in 2022 to help the environment? If you are a large company, startup, brand or just a concerned individual make a pledge this month with us on how you are going to combat climate change. Openly speaking about the changes you are going to make will help some else to make the same change. Together we can make it sustainable for the next generation and the generation after them.