Queen Elizabeth II’s 70-year Reign
Words Cyann Fielding
Born in April of 1926, Princess Elizabeth Alexandra Mary was to be the longest reigning monarch in the history of Britain. For 70 years the British public and international stage witnessed Elizabeth lead by example and provides stability through historic events. As the oldest child of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother, she was next in line for succession upon her father’s death. After ascending the throne at the age of 25, Elizabeth, with Phillip by her side, lead the monarchy for 70 years.
She has owned over 30 corgis since becoming leader of the Commonwealth Realms and her love for horses led her to annually attending the Epsom Derby and Royal Ascot since 1911. Queen Elizabeth II was also an active patron of public service. She was the royal patron or president to over 600 charities, professional bodies, military associations, and public service organisations.
Significant moments of her life and reign included:
Princess Elizabeth meets Cadet Capt Phillip of Greece at the Royal Dartmouth naval college
Britain declares war on Germany
Elizabeth carries out her first public engagements
King George VI dies
Elizabeth coronated Queen Elizabeth II
First broadcast of Royal Family
Prince Charles announces his engagement to Lady Diana Spencer
Shots are fired at the Queen as she attends Trooping the Colour
Prince William is born
Michael Fagan breaks into the Queen's bedroom during the early hours of aiding alarms, guards and please. He sits on the edge of her bed, talking for 10 minutes, before being led away by a footman, given a whiskey an arrested.
Prince Harry is born
Andrew Morton’s book, Diana: Her True Story, appears in The Sunday Times.
Windsor Castle is partly destroyed by fire
The Queen gives a speech at Guildhall to mark the 40th anniversary of her accession.
The Prime Minister, John Major announces in the House of Commons that Charles and Diana to separate
Buckingham Palace is open to the public for the first-time to help fund the restoration of Windsor Castle
Diana dies in a car crash in Paris. The Queen stays in seclusion for several days and is heavily criticised in the press for her silence on the matter. Then, on the eve of Diana's funeral, she does a walkabout to meet mourners outside Buckingham Palace and gives a televised address speaking “as your Queen and as a grandmother” and paying tribute to Diana
The Queen opens the National Assembly in Wales.
The Queen opens the Scottish Parliament.
Elizabeth sister, Princess Margaret, dies
Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother, dies
Elizabeth launches her Golden Jubilee celebrations
Prince Charles marries Camilla
The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh marked their 60th wedding anniversary
Elizabeth II passes Victoria to become the UK's oldest reigning monarch
The Queen celebrates her Diamond Jubilee
the Queen opens the London Olympics
The Queen surpasses her great-great grandmother, Queen Victoria, and becomes Britain’s longest ever reigning monarch
The Queen becomes the first British monarch to commemorate a sapphire jubilee
The Queen celebrates her platinum jubilee