First Things First: Kamala Harris
Words Phadria Prendergast
A few thousand years and 46 presidents later, the world witnesses the very first female vice-president of the United States.
We celebrate first boyfriends, first jobs, hell when we were younger, we celebrated first kisses but if ever there was a first to celebrate, it would be this.
Kamala Harris is set to be the first Asian-American, the first African-American and the first female vice-president of the United States. Now how’s that for firsts!
And that’s not all, Harris is now the highest-ranking female elected official in US history; a title and barrier first held and broken by Nancy Pelosi - the woman regarded as the most powerful female member of Congress ever.
Without a doubt, Harris has shattered a number of barriers and with that, comes great responsibility. So, amid the excitement of this new beginning, the question that isn’t far from our mind is, can Biden-Harris; the Former Vice President who is projected to become the 46th president of the United States, unify America? I suppose we can only wait and see.
As this all takes place, I remember something one of my mentors had said a few days ago. I hadn’t been able to forget it. “Don’t run the race just to run, run the race to win,” he had said. In this case, winning is simply the beginning for the new duo. The real work begins now. That said, Harris’s win has inspired many, many women, myself included.
Alongside a 50-second video of herself delivering a very powerful speech via her Instagram account, she writes “I hope every little girl watching tonight sees that this is a country of possibilities.”