What’s Changed for America

Words Beverley Martins

Isn’t it ironic that this time 4 years ago, not many people other than white supporters would vocalise their support for current US President Donald Trump.


I remember seeing an episode of ‘The Good Fight’; a litigator character had to hide the fact that he voted for Donald Trump, but at some point his law firm had a client they wanted to sign, but the client only wanted a firm that supported Trump. The litigator then had to admit his support so that they could sign on and when he did, his whole office looked down on him until he left the firm. I know this isn’t real but you get the point. I must add, it's a very binge worthy show on Amazon Prime.


Something I found sad and admittedly, a little amusing was reading an article of a Latino woman who happened to support and love Trump. She was so proud of her choice to support him - although her whole family on the other hand were disappointed. Later, she found out that she was going to be deported due to a new law Trump had passed. I laughed for days. Imagine spending your time trying to convince people of a man’s character only to have him turn around and ruin your life. Doesn't that remind you of your ex boyfriend?

Over the years, Donald Trump has been bashed and insulted (I must add that he has done his own fair share of bashing and insulting) by those who are opposed to his presidency. Trump's supporters were somewhat ashamed of vocalising their support for him. I have to admit he is not someone that I would want to showcase; he is a little bit of an ass. Although, this year, we see things have changed. Trump supporters are rising out of the woodworks with their red attires. Why is that? What has changed?

The 2020 elections have caused different communities to rise up and have a say politically. There were over 8 million new voters. Celebrities spoke on political issues and encouraged fans to vote. TV and social media platforms created many social campaigns to create political awareness to encourage their young audience to speak up, get involved and vote. Would you say this is why trump supporters were more vocal? Would you say the social encouragement made them more confident in expressing themselves? Social media definitely gives me confidence. I could be looking like a frog and all I need to do is pick the right snapchat filter to feel like a new person ready to take the modeling mountain. Or is it because though it is said that he has ‘failed the US’, maybe he has also accomplished things citizens are proud of? Let us take some time to look back and maybe we can pinpoint when things changed.

Trump is mean, Trump did this and Trump did that, Trump stole my Dog. Trump is not known for his kind heart and he is not a very popular lad. But we are not going to be biased in our not so professional analysis. This article is not to slander or to highlight his failure as a president, or the fact that he looks like he has not combed his hair in a week. I can't even judge him on that because in our last lockdown I didnt brush my hair for about 2 weeks.


December 2018 - Trump signed the First Act into Law, making the first legislative victory in years for advocates trying to reform the criminal justice system. [Yeah right like the criminal justice system changed over night. Who the hell do they think they're fooling because the system is still failing their people or there wouldn't be violent protests still going on. Oh sorry. I said I wouldn't be biased. Let's continue.] However, this accomplishment does not change the fact that this year alone the US government has faced many attacks on their criminal justice as the crime rate has tripled. And most of all, citizens fail to trust in the criminal justice system, due to the fight against police brutality on people of colour. A number of protests have undergone this year, which has angered the people of America. Long story short that obviously can’t be the reason. Next.

Was it his approach on the US tax reform? Three years into his presidency, Trump's signature legislative achievement remains a Republican tax bill that made sweeping changes to the tax code (the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.) The law was the biggest overhaul to the nation's tax code in three decades, and the President pitched it as "rocket fuel" for the American economy.

It permanently slashed the corporate tax rate to 21% from 35% while also provided temporary benefits for individuals and their families. This is worthy of a round of applause. But this fact does not help the poor. Sooo…

We can go on and on about Trump's accomplishments and failures. However I do not believe we can pinpoint something particular he has done to move people, or change minds. In all honesty, I believe that people in general have changed, mindsets have changed, and circumstances have changed. People are no longer afraid to have or be a voice because “what’s the worst that can happen?” As an entire world we have faced beasts - some in the form of a virus, others as wars and oppression, bloodshed and loss of loved ones. At the end of the day we people are stronger now, the fight has toughened people and in some way we all have had qualities pulled from within us. In multiple ways, from our voices in protest and social platforms, to our action in changing our lives, making an effort to vote to take part in the restructuring of a nation.

What’s next for America? As they take on old fights with fresh faces, bold voices, strong armies, and a new president. Congratulations Biden.


