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Words by Amanda Okoye
Quarantine season has many of us looking for cheaper and DIY ways of taking care of our skin and we are 100% here for it.
We have a couple tricks up our sleeves to ensure that you are always glowing and feeling your best - even when you’re low on cash.
Step 1
The first step to your skin routine is starting with your cleanse. Use a flannel or exfoliating gloves with any soap bar of your choice. We would recommend Dove Beauty Cream Soap Bar. When cleansing, make soft gentle hand movements around your face which help take away any dirt and oils accumulated during your day.
Step 2
The next step is to steam. We would recommend searching eBay or Amazon for your electric steamer. Alternatively, go old fashioned by using the bowl and towel trick. Do not keep your head too close to the steam as you don’t want to burn yourself but ensure you’re close enough that you are able to open your pores. This loosens built up dirt and makes it easier to remove blackheads.
Step 3
Step three involves using your favourite face mask or making a homemade mask! To make yours, use ½ a cup of hot water, ⅓ cup of oatmeal, 2 tablespoons of plain yogurt, 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 small egg white. Mix the oatmeal and water together, then let it settle for 5 minutes. Once this is done, you can add the yogurt, honey and egg white. Apply a small amount on your face, ensuring that you spread evenly. Allow it to sit for 15 minutes and then wash away with warm water. This mask will help to improve the appearance of your pores! Please ensure that you are not allergic to any of these ingredients before use.
Step 4
The fourth and final step is to moisturise with your favourite face cream. Complete by dabbing your face with a clean, dry towel.
Two extra tips for great skin include always eating your five-a-day of fruit and veg and keeping yourself hydrated with plenty of water. Start with 2 litres per day and then progress from there. You can even add lime, lemon or mint to add flavour to your water.